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舊 12-17-03, 10:52 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
[PS2,XB]Hitman: Contracts新圖及影片,美版4/20發售

Hitman: Contracts
Publisher: Eidos Interactive Developer: Io Interactive
Genre: Action Release Date: 04/20/2004
Hitman: Contracts Official Web site.
Hitman: Contracts Trailer 13MB avi
*DivX required

New Hitman 3 details, trailer
Eidos and Io Interactive release the first official information on Hitman: Contracts for PC, PS2, and Xbox.

Eidos and Io Interactive today released the first official information on and trailer for Hitman: Contracts, which was previously known as Hitman 3: Contracts. The third-person action game is currently in development for PC, PlayStation 2, and Xbox, and is scheduled for release in spring 2004.

Hitman: Contracts will see players reprising the role of Agent 47, a ruthlessly efficient contract killer who, at the start of the game, finds himself wounded and trapped in Paris. The game is being built using a new graphics engine, and will feature improved controls, a larger arsenal of firearms and close combat weapons, and a more gradual learning curve than its predecessors.

"Hitman: Contracts will reveal a new side to Hitman," said Janos Flosser, managing director of Io Interactive. "The game will be epic, highly disturbing, but most importantly an enjoyable experience. The technology we are employing will make it one of the most advanced games on the market."

We'll bring you more information on Hitman: Contracts as soon as it becomes available. In the meantime, you might want to check out the game's recently launched official Web site.

By Justin Calvert, GameSpot [POSTED: 12/16/03 06:48 AM]

此篇文章於 03-20-04 01:19 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 12-17-03, 11:37 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Re: [PS2,XB]Hitman: Contracts Details & Trailer

由Eidos預定2004年春天在美國跨PC、PS2與Xbox發售推出,由Io Interactive負責開發製作的人氣大作「刺客任務」系列最新作三代「刺客任務 3:殺人合約(Hitman 3:Contracts)」(中文名暫稱),如今終於公布有關本作的更進一步情報,讓喜歡這款系列作品的玩家能更加瞭解這款新作的遊戲內涵。

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舊 12-17-03, 11:38 PM   #3
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舊 12-18-03, 09:53 AM   #4
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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I doubt it
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舊 12-18-03, 10:43 AM   #5
The One
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舊 01-06-04, 10:54 PM   #6
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舊 01-07-04, 01:52 AM   #7
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舊 01-12-04, 11:20 PM   #8
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舊 01-28-04, 11:22 PM   #9
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舊 01-28-04, 11:23 PM   #10
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舊 01-28-04, 11:28 PM   #11
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舊 01-28-04, 11:28 PM   #12
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舊 01-29-04, 12:00 AM   #13
The One
註冊日期: Jul 2002
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上集(2)玩到大約 2/3 停左, 冇玩落去
而家睇番 3 既圖, 好想拎番 2 出黎完成埋佢添
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舊 02-05-04, 09:01 AM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Hitman: Contracts Trailer
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舊 02-17-04, 12:19 AM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 02-17-04, 11:15 PM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Hitman Contracts: First Impressions
Agent 47 submerges into the darkness with IO's deeper, moodier stealth-action game.

February 13, 2004 - Dedicated PC gamers knew back in 2000 that Hitman: Agent 47 was a game with huge potential. So it was with much excitement when PC and console gamers alike received the much-improved, prettier, shinier and less frustrating Hitman 2, which was widely received with praise from critics and consumers alike. Both games presented players with multiple, subtle ways to beat a single level, giving them room to use their imaginations and to replay each mission with a different style of play each time. Several of the levels in Hitman were some of the best designed levels we've seen in years.

The Copenhagen, Denmark-based developers IO Interactive are now deep in development with the third game in the Hitman series, Hitman Contracts, a stealth-action game employing the same model that worked so well the first two times around. Only now, the assassin-for-hire Agent 47 is presented in a very different manner. Players will still approach Hitman Contracts using a first- or third-person perspective, but it's not the players' perspective that's changed. IO Interactive's game takes a darker, more disturbing look into the killer's subconscious and his troubled past.

Hitman Contracts opens up with in-game cinematics portraying a bleeding, injured Agent 47 sitting in a hotel room, taking painkillers. He's hallucinating, drifting in and out of consciousness. Level developer Rasmus Hoenjengaard explained to IGN during our visit to Eidos that our silent assassin is feeling metaphoric stabs of pain from his past acts, his countless murders and assassinations. Neatly, the flashbacks of pain and memory serve as perfect springboards for IO to launch players into a litany of missions.

While the title might suggest that this new iteration is a series of unrelated stories, they're not. The myriad of missions are part of Agent 47's memories, which serve to give players a disturbing look at the mind of an assassin, but they're also connected because they lead up to the present. They all point to his painful existence in the hotel room, a new starting point from which the story then progresses. What happens next? IO wants to keep it a secret, so we're left with a little anticipation and excitement for the story to be fleshed out. Quite nice.

Looking back on at Hitman 2, IO for the most part felt good about the changes and fixes it provided to give the series a broader appeal. But, according to Hoenjengaard, they didn't feel good about all of the level designs. They wanted them to feel and play better, to play smoother, with less frustration and to pack them with even more possibilities. So, for Contracts, IO laid the larger levels out with storyboards and walked through them several times, thinking out each floor plan to give each the maximum amount of play. If you thought the replay value of the previous Hitman chapter was deep, this game is sure to impress.

The three levels we saw instantly conveyed the darkness and multiplicity of gameplay techniques inherent in Hitman Contracts. The first was a level based in Siberia, Russia. Outside, the dynamic snowflakes descended with near blizzard speeds in constantly changing directions. Flags rustled in step with the raging wind and a misty fog ebbs in behind the heavy snow to create layers of nasty cold weather. In this particular level, Agent 47's objective is to infiltrate an enemy camp using various disguises, kill several high ranking officials, and blow up a submarine. He can use poison to kill one of them, or simply whip out a silenced pistol and then carry the body into a less than obvious area. Once players have played through the level a few times, they'll learn they can use the explosives on the submarine to kill several birds with one stone, reaching several objectives in one swift but difficult motion.

In another level, the dark, bald assassin winds his way through a rainy Chinese city, replete with cramped, crowded buildings and flowing red flags. IO has implemented several filters to create distinct looking up-close textures, while blurring background images using a soft graphic touch that looks right out of a movie. The developers also have brought on an architect to help design all of the buildings, so the Chinese city, for example, looked especially authentic. More interestingly, the interactive structures will collapse or explode more with structure realism than in either of the two previous games.

此篇文章於 02-17-04 11:18 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 02-17-04, 11:16 PM   #17
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Realism is another major theme players will feel throughout the game, as all of the locations -- ranging across the entire world (Russia, Holland, France, China, England) -- not only use proper architecture that were often shot on location, but the voice acting for all of the various characters is acted by people native to the country.

The third and certainly most disturbing level we saw was the meat house. The massive slaughter house is really a two-part construction. In one part, players actually witness the inner workings of a slaughter house, complete with wide open kitchens, tile floors and drains for the water and blood to flow down, and racks of bleeding, hanging cows, hooked on swiveling lines. In this area, IO showed off just one of the new moves special to this third game. While the first two games emphasized long-range sniping and heavy artillery, those two styles of gameplay joined with close combat moves. Agent 47 can grab a variety of heavy knives and butcher tools to get his job done.

In this particular mission, we were shown the special qualities of the meat hook. Agent 47 grabbed a meat hook, snuck up behind a butcher and thrust the tool into his opponent's groin, and in the same swift motion, he picked up the enemy, threw him over his shoulder and carried him to another part of the room. Near a switch box, players can heave the enemy onto the motorized meat rack and watch him spin around. Just for fun. Sick fun. But hey, it is a game about assassination.

The other part of the slaughter house exemplified the darkness of this new game. The brother of the building's owner turns out to be a sicko, an obese Jabba-like man who's into young girls, sadomasochism, and death. His side of the building features his disgusting lair, a room in which the young dead victim hangs from a meat hook, and a bizarre underground discoth鑷ue, filled with strobing blue lights and dancing people. It's all a bit disgusting.

The close-combat system is quite subtle. The addition of these moves rounds off quite nicely Agent 47's set of moves, too. Depending on the direction of the attack, from the side, front or behind, Agent 47 will use different moves using the same weapons. The action is still a single press on the attack button, but the animation and kill is different. And given the superb new roster of weapons, up-close kills are going to bring a whole new level of joy and pain into Hitman Contracts.

What exactly are those hand weapons? Here are just a few: Syringe, a Chinese sword, pillow, shovel, fire poker, and more. What good is a pillow, you ask? With a pillow players can suffocate an enemy, or they can partially strangle the opponent to quiet them, following up with silenced pistol to the pillowed face of the victim. Subtle but deadly. The extra firearms will also please fans, as there will be additional sniper rifles, twin Uzis, and a keen selection of powerful new guns added to the already fat artillery.

The enemy AI is enhanced and improved to create even more intelligent stealth action. Enemies recognize erratic and illogical behavior. So if you choose to run around a guard enough times, for instance, he's going to suspect something. Sounds a little silly, actually. But, gamers do weird things, and this AI will notice them. Here's a better example. If you are disguised in enemy garb and wear an enemy coat that happens to be the coat of a military man who's a close friend with the guard, and if he sees your face, he'll instantly recognize you and start shooting. Clothes that cover your face will become a major part of sneaking into enemy compounds. Also, opponents may behave in militaristic group formations if alerted, guarding all sides and setting up in protected areas to fire upon you or protect their territory.

Finally, Jesper Kyd will compose the orchestral music for this game, and his music follows the darker, more disturbing themes of the game with interesting takes on the techno genre in addition to his well known arrangements.

In all, Hitman Contracts is not a major revolution in stealth-action gaming. Instead, it looks as if IO is looking to refine and improve its unique style of stealth assassination. You can bet on brilliant level designs created to be played from multiple angles, and you can rest assured you'll fight inventive AI and feel honest to goodness sickness when you encounter these darker, moodier levels. We'll begrudgingly wait for this to hit shelves in late April, but we might have to hurt small animals while we do so. Anyone got a firepoker and a hamster?
-- Douglass C. Perry

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舊 02-17-04, 11:18 PM   #18
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舊 02-17-04, 11:21 PM   #19
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舊 02-18-04, 10:29 AM   #20
The One
註冊日期: Jul 2002
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唔聲唔聲 4 月尾就出啦!!
要快 d 拎番隻 2 爆埋先得
Zaku 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-06-04, 09:12 PM   #21
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Hitman: Contracts Trailer 2 3.32MB
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舊 03-07-04, 12:03 AM   #22
God of Gamer
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3DS Friend Code2363 6017 4707
PSN  IDultcth
XBox Live GamertagMontagueC

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舊 03-07-04, 01:43 PM   #23
Game Master
註冊日期: Aug 2002
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XBox Live GamertagDONNOLO
好快就出啦............驚delay, 到今日都唔係好多料...............

NFL - now 635
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舊 03-07-04, 01:47 PM   #24
The One
註冊日期: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by dondon :
好快就出啦............驚delay, 到今日都唔係好多料...............
Gamespot 同 IGN 等等都出左 preview
Zaku 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-07-04, 01:50 PM   #25
Game Master
註冊日期: Aug 2002
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XBox Live GamertagDONNOLO
screenshot 得果十幾張, 通常就出有成四五十張

NFL - now 635
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