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舊 06-15-10, 12:06 AM   #1
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Dungeon Hunter: Alliance - Diablo式 4人Co-op online ARPG (PSN) - 支援PS Move

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舊 06-15-10, 12:44 AM   #2
God of Gamer
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PSN  IDwestmead
diablo ps3版?

Apple is Apple. ain't Orange.
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舊 06-15-10, 12:57 AM   #3
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舊 06-15-10, 01:01 AM   #4
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舊 11-14-10, 12:03 AM   #5
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Dungeon Hunter: Alliance will allow up to 4 players to party up for some online or offline dungeon crawling, offering a selection of three classes: warrior, mage, and rogue. Move controls are quite interesting. You apparently have to point the controller where you want to go (from a top down perspective) and hold down Trigger to walk, face buttons allowing for spellcasting and attacking.


Dungeon Hunter: Alliance Hands-On

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舊 11-14-10, 10:24 PM   #6
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趁 Diablo 3 未出吸水?
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舊 03-01-11, 03:39 AM   #7
( ゚ω゚)?
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
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Dungeon Hunter: Alliance multiplayer trailer for PS3

Gameloft previously announced that they were bringing their iOS game Dungeon Hunter exclusively to the PS3 with upgraded HD graphics. Now the company has released a trailer showing off Dungeon Hunter: Alliance's new four-player multiplayer in action.
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance's graphics are a serious step up from the iPhone version of the game but the four-player co-op gameplay may be the most enticing part. Hack-and-slash RPGs have been few and far between in this generation of consoles so we are happy anytime a new one is accounced.
It is tempting to make a comparison between Dungeon Hunter: Alliance and the upcoming Xbox LIVE Arcade version or Torchlight. However, the main difference will be that Alliance supports four-players locally and online while Torchlight will only support one.
The game is described as, "Face the world of Gothicus and its hordes of creatures alone or in teams of up to 4 heroes. The main quest, side quests, and the innumerable items to collect offer hours of play in a superbly modeled gothic universe."
Gameloft is planning an April release date on the Playstation Network for its take on the classic dungeon crawl.
You can check out the multiplayer trailer in our video gallery.

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EA-y( ̄Д ̄)。o :game怪有咁勁得咁勁,裝備有咁屎得咁屎,咪等啲友玩得咁舒服,玩完嗱嗱聲pay-to-win.抽loot box有咁難得咁難,box有咁罕有放咁罕有,啲課長咪啫聲抽完抽過第二次囉.
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舊 03-01-11, 12:17 PM   #8
( ゚ω゚)?
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
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Dungeon Hunter Alliance Announced for April Release

Feb 28 2011 09:21 PM | DanCurtis in Industry News

Do you scour your basement in the search for inane treasure hidden from view in dusty boxes and chests? Do you imagine that while searching, there's monsters lurking in the darkness that you can battle away with your trusty sword (broom) and shield (frying pan from kitchen cupboard)? Well if you do - and even if you don't - GameLoft's latest game, Dungeon Hunter: Alliance, may well be the game for you as it lets you trawl big dungeons in the quest for treasure and glory!

Set in the world of Gothicus and based on two Iphone games of the same name, this new title which is set for release on the Playstation Network in April. It will feature classic hack and slashy gameplay, an engaging story and support for Sony's new toy, the wand with the ball on the end. That's Move, if you didn't guess.

I also bring gifts of screenshots and a trailer for your perusal, you lucky devils.

Resized to 51% (was 1280 x 720) - Click image to enlarge

Resized to 51% (was 1280 x 720) - Click image to enlarge

Resized to 51% (was 1280 x 720) - Click image to enlarge

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EA-y( ̄Д ̄)。o :game怪有咁勁得咁勁,裝備有咁屎得咁屎,咪等啲友玩得咁舒服,玩完嗱嗱聲pay-to-win.抽loot box有咁難得咁難,box有咁罕有放咁罕有,啲課長咪啫聲抽完抽過第二次囉.
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舊 03-11-11, 09:56 AM   #9
( ゚ω゚)?
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253

Dungeon Hunter: Alliance hacks and slashes onto PSN this April

by Ben Gilbert on Mar 10th 2011 12:50AM

In Gameloft's long-running series of ... borrowed game archetypes, we've yet to see a console dungeon crawler from the company. With Dungeon Hunter: Alliance, however, the French developer is setting its torch to "light" and confronting the diablos of the darkness head on.

The neverending search for loot begins this April on PSN, and features both online and offline co-op play -- Gameloft promises "30 levels with an immense world of dungeons, villages and forests to explore." Perhaps "Dungeon/Village/Forest Hunter: Alliance" would've been a more apt title. It's also got a certain je ne sais quoi to it, no? That one's free, Gameloft. The next one'll cost ya.

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\(^o^)/オワタ (;´Д`) ヽ(; ゚д゚)ノ ( ̄∀ ̄) (´・ω・`) ∠(゚Д゚)/ キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━ !!!!(´๑•ω•๑`) (๑*д*๑) (˘ω˘)zZ ( ゚ω゚ ) ∞ヾ(´д´)ノ ก็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔก้ (¯ 3 ¯)(◕‿◕✿) ('A`)(・ิω・ิ) (´д`) <( ̄ω ̄・)> 〆(・ω・`*) (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)淚目 (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧掂 +×(ง⌐□ل͜□) 退休啦! (ง︡'-'︠)ง┗( _)┛(ʘдʘ)
EA-y( ̄Д ̄)。o :game怪有咁勁得咁勁,裝備有咁屎得咁屎,咪等啲友玩得咁舒服,玩完嗱嗱聲pay-to-win.抽loot box有咁難得咁難,box有咁罕有放咁罕有,啲課長咪啫聲抽完抽過第二次囉.
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舊 04-07-11, 10:45 PM   #10
( ゚ω゚)?
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253

Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (PlayStation Network)

News Article

Home : News : Interviews: Gameloft - Dungeon Hunter: Alliance
Interviews: Gameloft - Dungeon Hunter: Alliance

Posted Wed, 06 Apr 2011 by Christopher Ingram
Once more into battle!

We go hunting for answers
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance launched on the European PlayStation Store today, and we sat down with the game's product manager Sane Lebrun for a spot of Q&A.
Movemodo: Firstly, please introduce yourself and your role in Dungeon Hunter: Alliance.
Sane Lebrun: My name is Sane Lebrun and I’ve been a Product Manager at Gameloft for the past two years, and I’ve been in charge of Dungeon Hunter: Alliance for the past year and a half.
The role of Product Managers is to develop awareness of our games around the globe before its commercial launch and to generate excitement among gamers. This includes creating the first screenshots and trailers, as well as the timing for their release.
Four player co-op, online and offline...

For Dungeon Hunter: Alliance, we chose to announce the game at E3 in June 2010, since then there have been three trailers in all, including the one we’re currently releasing for the games launch.
Product Managers also leverage the existing Gameloft community tools such as our Facebook page (300,000 fans!) and our YouTube channel. With the help of local marketing managers, we also make sure to reach the console gamers audience thanks to specialized media (dedicated sites, blogs and print). Thanks for helping us out with that!
It’s an honour to be the Product Manager for Dungeon Hunter: Alliance. It’s probably one of the most ambitious games we’ve developed to date and we hope our hard work shines through.
MM: It’s been a long time since dungeon crawlers were all the rage – why is the time right to bring a new title to PlayStation Network?
With customisable character classes too

SL: When Gameloft decided to increase its presence in the downloadable console game market, we had a look at our most successful franchises on smartphones and tablets, and Dungeon Hunter was so popular that we thought it deserved an opus on console. We needed the necessary time afterwards to develop an ambitious game for a demanding community such as the PS3 players. We would’ve released it sooner if we could!
Multiplayer action RPGs are huge on PCs, but the genre isn’t as popular on consoles. We think that our Dungeon Hunter brand can fill that void. Of course, the controls are different than in traditional PC games, but players can choose between the classic DualShock controller and the PlayStation Move to get the experience they feel most comfortable with. This is also why we’re releasing Dungeon Hunter: Alliance exclusively on the PlayStation 3.
MM: We’ve been informed that the game is co-op with up to 4 players in local and online game play. Can you explain how this will work?
SL: There is a single-player campaign with a good dozen hours of gameplay. However, you can also complete the adventure by co-operating with other players. They can be right next to you and play on the same console, or they can be halfway around the world with online mode (and you can chat to them with your headset!).
Getting hot in here

MM: Looting is a key element in dungeon crawlers. How will the loot be divided in co-op play?
SL: We agree, it’s definitely a key element! In Dungeon Hunter: Alliance, loot is surrounded by a halo with the colour of the player for whom the item is intended. This ensures that none of the players will be penalized in terms of equipment. Afterwards, it’s up to players to prove they’re the best warriors and fight off the hordes of enemies (and get the best score).
MM: What are the available character classes to choose from, and can you elaborate on the game play differences between the classes?
SL: You can choose between a mage, warrior and a rogue. Each class compliments one another, and they have a vast library of spells and abilities to choose from as you level up. This means even if you have two mages in your party (for example) they could have two very different sets of spells.
A rather nasty-looking demon

Energy is the mages’ strong point: they draw all of their strength from Fairy magic. They’re powerful damage dealers but they’re fragile and attract attention. For this reason amongst other things they can cast a magnetic shield to protect themselves or repel enemies, but at the sacrifice of their mana pool.
Warriors are better suited for melee combat against multiple foes at once and are good at absorbing plenty of damage. Strength is their forte: they’re the only class that can equip certain weapons and armour.
Finally, we have rogues, who excel at one-on-one combat. They are incredibly agile and are excellent at evasion. Personally, they’re my favourite class: their high dexterity can really make a difference in battle!
MM: Stories are the driving force behind any RPG – what kind of story can be expected in Dungeon Hunter: Alliance?
SL: I’m not sure people buy action RPGs like this one only for the story; rather, I think they’re looking for fun gameplay complimented by a good lifespan and return value. In the case of Dungeon Hunter: Alliance it has those things, but there is also an actual story: the game starts with the resurrection of the games hero so he can save the kingdom from the iron-fisted rule of a tyrannical queen… who happens to be the wife he loved when he was still alive. As for the rest, I’ll let players discover it for themselves!
MM: This will be our first chance to play an action RPG with PlayStation Move. How has Move support been implemented into the game?
SL: We worked closely with Sony Computer Entertainment to ensure the best use possible for the accessory. When we started developing the game, we hadn’t made any plans for that feature (since Sony hadn’t even announced the accessory at the time). When we learned about the accessory, we thought that the PlayStation Move, with its ability to point towards the screen, would allow us to simulate point-and-click controls found in games of the same genre on PCs.
The first trials proved to be very promising, so we decided to include support for the PlayStation Move. It added development time, and that explains why we weren’t able to release the game in time for Christmas as planned, but the whole team agrees it was worth the wait.
MM: The game is playable with both the DualShock controller and PlayStation Move. Are there any significant advantages to Move controls compared to playing with the standard DualShock method?
SL: Personally, I prefer using the PlayStation Move, but of course we all have our preferences at Gameloft. Some say that playing with the PlayStation Move is more precise, while the DualShock controls are more intuitive.
I don’t think that using one or the other gives an advantage to any player. What’s important is choosing the controls that feel most comfortable to you – and we’re pleased to be giving players that option.
When players have had the chance to play the game and try both methods, we’ll be asking which they prefer and why.
MM: Can DualShock and Move players play together in co-op?
SL: Yes, of course!
MM: Are there any plans for future downloadable content? What can you tell us about future DLC?
SL: Who knows? If the game is successful and if enough fans ask for it, we may plan additional downloadable content.
MM: Lastly, is there anything else you would like to tell our readers about Dungeon Hunter: Alliance?
SL: I’m confident that the game will satisfy action RPG fans. We’ve taken all of the fundamental elements of an exceptional game of the genre, mixed it around in a big bowl and baked it – it is a perfect action RPG recipe if one were to exist. For those who play only on consoles and may not be too familiar with the genre, I think it’s a great opportunity for them to discover why it has so many fans on PC. Nothing beats a good hack-n’-slash, so have fun on your PS3!
Thanks to Sane Lebrun for his time.

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EA-y( ̄Д ̄)。o :game怪有咁勁得咁勁,裝備有咁屎得咁屎,咪等啲友玩得咁舒服,玩完嗱嗱聲pay-to-win.抽loot box有咁難得咁難,box有咁罕有放咁罕有,啲課長咪啫聲抽完抽過第二次囉.

此篇文章於 04-07-11 10:56 PM 被 ( ゚ω゚)? 編輯。
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舊 04-08-11, 09:38 AM   #11
Insane Gamer
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PSN  IDNogard_HK
EU PSN 出左啦??

Puzzle and Dragons : 伏 UP x4
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舊 04-08-11, 09:56 AM   #12
( ゚ω゚)?
God of Gamer
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係~不過要EU Account + Point Card先買到
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EU PSN 出左啦??

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EA-y( ̄Д ̄)。o :game怪有咁勁得咁勁,裝備有咁屎得咁屎,咪等啲友玩得咁舒服,玩完嗱嗱聲pay-to-win.抽loot box有咁難得咁難,box有咁罕有放咁罕有,啲課長咪啫聲抽完抽過第二次囉.
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舊 04-09-11, 03:46 AM   #13
Insane Gamer
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PSN  IDNogard_HK
唯有等HK PSN... 都唔知幾時先有

Puzzle and Dragons : 伏 UP x4
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舊 04-10-11, 06:01 PM   #14
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竟然沒有 360 版?
不過 iPad 版我都好少玩,


[ 歡迎讚好 八仙果遊戲頻道,只要跟 TV games 有關的,都想跟大家分享,多多指教 ]

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舊 04-11-11, 02:40 PM   #15
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竟然沒有 360 版?
不過 iPad 版我都好少玩,
所以dungeon hunter vs torchlight...

btw iphone隻dungeon hunter2真係好睇唔好食
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舊 04-14-11, 01:09 AM   #16
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US PSN已出,我地百無既HK PSN幾時有?
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舊 04-16-11, 02:44 AM   #17
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難玩過I PHONE 版 WOR @@

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舊 06-12-11, 08:54 PM   #18
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EA-y( ̄Д ̄)。o :game怪有咁勁得咁勁,裝備有咁屎得咁屎,咪等啲友玩得咁舒服,玩完嗱嗱聲pay-to-win.抽loot box有咁難得咁難,box有咁罕有放咁罕有,啲課長咪啫聲抽完抽過第二次囉.
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