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舊 06-27-08, 10:50 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Assassin's Creed 2 [已售]

育碧開始為《刺客 信條2》打廣告
時間:2008-6-27 編輯: 六段音速

《刺客 信條(Assassin's Creed)》有過不計其數的廣告宣傳,不難想像《刺客 信條2》也會走相同的路線。育碧美國分公司總裁Laurent Detoc日前在接受福布斯記者採訪時提到了《刺客 信條2》,並保證續作將比初代更加值得期待。

「我們剛剛完成《刺客 信條》並問鼎了世界最高水準。」Detoc對記者說道:「但我們必須馬上回到現實中來,因為成就只能代表你之前的努力……我們要保持一貫的水準,因此當我們決定要推出(《刺客 信條》的)續作的時候,將比現在更加值得大家期待。」

《刺客 信條》自去年年底發售以來,累計銷量已經超過了600萬套,不難想像育碧為了續作的推出勢必會不遺餘力。不過Detoc在採訪中也確認,《刺客 信條2》將不會在今年聖誕節推出,取而代之的是發生翻天覆地變化的新一代《波斯王子》。

Eurogamer:No Ass Creed 2 this year, confirms Ubi

Ubisoft has confirmed we won't see a sequel to Assassin's Creed this side of Christmas.

That's according to a Forbes interview with Ubi US boss Laurent Detoc, who said, "When we bring [Assassin's Creed] back, there will be more anticipation for it."

The decision is nothing to do with sales figures, as AC has proved highly popular. More than 6 million copies of the game have been shifted since it was released last November.

In the meantime there's always the new Prince of Persia, due for release this winter. Apparently Ubisoft is keen not to repeat what happened with the last POP trilogy. According to Forbes, 2 million copies of Sands of Time were sold in the game's first month on release, and while the two sequels sold well they failed to achieve the same success.

Hence the decision to pull back production on the next POP game. "As we get bigger, we can give it more breathing room," Detoc said.

No Assassin's Creed 2 this year

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