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舊 02-17-07, 08:53 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
God of War Chains of Olympus (美版已售)

[PSP] PSP版『God of War』 がComing Soon?
海外の、PSPゲームデベロッパーのReady At Dawn Studiosの公式サイトには「Daxter」と「Unannounced PSP Title(未発表PSPタイトル)」の2つが掲載されていますが、現在は変更されてしまった(?)ものの、「Coming Soon」の文字がPS2「God of War」で使われていたフォントで書かれていたようです。

この未発表タイトルがPSP版『God of War』なのかはわかりませんが、説得力は十分にある、と予想されています。

Ready at Dawn Teasing God of War PSP?
Font for their unannounced game seems awful familiar.
By Patrick Klepek, 02/16/2007

Murmurings of the next handheld project from Ready at Dawn, the studio who pumped out Daxter last year on PSP, have been simmering on the 'net for weeks now, but the end may finally be nigh, as they've updated their website with a very...God of War-esque teaser.

Is this a sign of things to come? Maybe. Probably. Keep watching this space -- the curtain will drop soon enough.

此篇文章於 04-25-07 11:15 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 02-17-07, 11:42 PM   #2
Insane Gamer
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舊 02-18-07, 06:23 AM   #3
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舊 02-19-07, 12:20 AM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
PSP版《戰神》「Coming Soon」

前不久本站曾報道過人氣動作遊戲《戰神》將登陸PSP的消息(參考),PSP版的開發公司為Ready At Dawn,但此消息還屬於未確定消息。

Ready At Dawn Studios公司官方網站刊載了2款PSP作品的介紹,一款是《達斯特(Daxter)》,另一款是「未發表作品(Unannounced PSP Title)」,而近日這款未發表作品的「Coming Soon」字體使用了與《戰神》相同的字體(現在已經更換)。由此也進一步確認了之前的消息,期待PSP版的《戰神》能夠向之前報道的那樣,在今年發售。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-01-07, 08:07 PM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Cory Barlog,現擔任人氣大作《戰神2》的製作人一職,他在GameDaily BIZ上的訪談中被問及是否對PSP感興趣時,他回答道,這是很有可能的!

BIZ: 是否《GOW》將在某些時候給予PSP一些特別優待呢?

CB: 恐怕這是個很難說明的問題,我的意思是說,我擁有一大批的狂熱支持者,我會將盡力去滿足他們的要求以回報大家的支持,只要這個平台達到要求(開發),我就會在這個平台上推出《GOW》。我認為這(PSP)是很有可能的。但是,這裡得說明一點,這既不表示我已經商討過了(PSP版本的開發可能性),也不表示我們正在就此正在進行討論。
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舊 03-02-07, 03:32 PM   #6
God of Gamer
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Heavy Metal Hime Stand All
Metal Hime save the world !!!
Metal Hime Infinite Rising !!!!

nakakula 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-05-07, 01:20 AM   #7
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
God of War II...YES PLEASE!!

唔知睇到上圖右下邊的COMING 2007你地會點諗呢.(好似仲有PSP標誌呢)

此篇文章於 03-05-07 08:36 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 03-05-07, 09:43 AM   #8
The One
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作者: 神祕人1號 查看文章
God of War II...YES PLEASE!!

唔知睇到上圖右下邊的COMING 2007你地會點諗呢.(好似仲有PSP標誌呢)

DevilElvis 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-05-07, 08:35 PM   #9
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

此前本站曾報道過SCE硬派動作遊戲大作《戰神》可能將登陸PSP的消息,近日國外某知名遊戲網站的編輯拿到了官方提供的正式零售版《戰神II(God of War II)》,並在其個人博客上放出了幾張零售版的實拍照片。

根據照片來看,與先前傳言的一樣,遊戲說明書背面的廣告上刊登了一條《戰神》即將登陸索尼掌機PSP的宣傳廣告(如下圖)。畫面中間一個《戰神》系列特有的巨大「Ω」標誌,中心部分是一個「PSP」的LOGO,下方還寫有「Coming 2007」的字樣。

根據現有情報來分析,PSP版的《戰神》有可能將在今年年內推出,此前曾有傳聞說SCE旗下開發過《傑克與達斯特》的開發商Ready at Dawn將負責本作的製作,但到現在也沒有確切的消息證實。不過在不久後的遊戲開發者會議(GDC 2007)上,索尼SCE官方很有可能會公佈有關本作的詳細情報,這恐怕也是菲爾·哈里森之前所說的本次會議上幾個「驚喜」之一。

原名 God of War
機種 PSP
廠商 SCE
類型 ACT
價格 未知
發售日 2007年內



此篇文章於 03-05-07 09:06 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 03-13-07, 06:44 PM   #10
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
God of War PSP (PSP)
Published by: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developed by: Ready At Dawn Studios
Genre: Action
Release Date:
US: TBA 2007

God of War for PSP Confirmed
Kratos is set for a road trip.

by Chris Roper

March 12, 2007 - A few weeks ago, speculation about a forthcoming PSP version of God of War crept across the Internet. The speculation heightened and was practically confirmed by a teaser for an unannounced PSP title on Ready At Dawn's website that use to feature the classic God of War font. Today, we finally have official confirmation in our hands.

On the back of the instruction manual for God of War II there's a not-so-conspicuous teaser sheet for a PSP title in the franchise. It credits its development to, you guessed it, Ready At Dawn Studios, and simply says "Coming 2007".

Here's a shot of the page:

God of War II ships 1m, PSP GOW "all new"
Video Q&A: God of War II's Cory Barlog;title;1
SAN FRANCISCO--Shortly before tonight's launch event at the Metreon entertainment complex, God of War II director Cory Barlog conducted a video interview with GameSpot News. During the course of the brief chat, he shed some light on the series spawned by the original God of War, which has sold over 1.67 million copies in the US alone. And even though God of War II isn't on sale until midnight, it is a preordained hit. According to a Sony rep, over 1 million units of the PlayStation 2 game have already been shipped to stores in anticipation of steep demand.

Foremost amongst Barlog's revelations was new information about the God of War PlayStation Portable game, which was initially revealed by a flyer inside boxed retail copies of God of War II. Unlike fellow PSP fantasy-action-adventure Prince of Persia Revelations, which was merely a reworked version of the console title Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Kratos' first portable adventure will feature an original story.

"We're not gonna do a port," emphasized Barlog. "This isn't gonna be God of War I on the PSP, this is gonna be an all new adventure that ties into the overarching story. So if we go on to make a God of War III, the PSP [version] will tie directly into what we're doing in the overall story. ... My big strategy for this entire franchise is that there's never going to be some solo, separated thing. Everything's going to deal with the overall plot."

Hot on the heels of an Entertainment Weekly story saying the God of War movie script has been finished, Barlog confirmed the film was headed into development. However, he was still cautious.

"It's just like every other Hollywood thing, it can be in development," he warned, "But does it make it out development and actually get made into a film? I hope it does."

Luckily, the chances of God of War avoiding development limbo improved significantly this weekend, when the very of God-of-War-esque 300 made a whopping $70 million in three days.
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舊 03-13-07, 07:06 PM   #11
The One
註冊日期: Aug 2002
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3DS Friend Code5386 8293 2357
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唔好remake第一集呀 ,我前個月買都未折過

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舊 03-13-07, 10:24 PM   #12
God of Gamer
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唔好remake第一集呀 ,我前個月買都未折過

chrischun 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-13-07, 11:00 PM   #13
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

3月13日是PS2平台硬派動作遊戲大作《戰神Ⅱ》在北美首發的日子,索尼官方在美國各地都舉辦了盛大的首發慶祝活動。在舊金山的遊戲首發現場活動中,《戰神Ⅱ》的製作導演Cory Barlog接受了媒體記者的採訪。他在採訪中確認了PSP版《戰神》的開發計劃,甚至還提到了有關《戰神Ⅲ》的情報。

Cory Barlog對記者表示,PSP版《戰神》不是移植或重制的作品,而是講述全新劇情的完全新作,但與該系列的整體故事背景將保持密切的聯繫,「PSP版《戰神》不是初代的移植,而是與整個故事緊密聯繫的全新冒險。」Barlog對記者說。


Barlog還對記者確認了PSP版《戰神》將由SCEA旗下曾開發過《傑克與達斯特》等作品的Ready at Dawn公司負責,這也證實了前不久業內的相關傳言。對於《戰神Ⅲ》,他表示目前一切都還處在構思階段,因此還沒有多少詳情可以公佈,不過他表示在次世代的《戰神》續作中,將會對應1080p和六軸動作感應的要素。


God of War 2 launch event/PSP coming out party? Liveblog!

10:45: Okay, so now that I've had a few minutes to get through my interview transcription, I've pulled out a few more comments from Barlog. Once again, if you haven't seen the 9:35 and 9:40 entries below, head down there now -- that's where the big news is. But I found these comments interesting as well. This is it for the blog tonight -- thanks for reading.

On if God of War could ever go episodic or use downloadable content as a major component:

"You know, I used to have an interest in that. I was a big proponent of that and started pitching ideas around to people. And I wrote a couple episodic scripts that I put in everybody's hands to try to get the ball rolling. But you know -- the game's too big. I think the game's way too big. There are too many art assets. We're talking like a gig and a half, two gig download for one episode. It's too much. And this isn't a dig on people that are doing episodic content... but I question people's willingness to wait. I think in order for it to work, you gotta have four episodes in the can, and then release them two months apart or a month apart... I don't know if it's viable for this game..."

"I can see creating the game and leaving hooks. When I was writing, I was jotting down little ideas like that... but I don't want to end up doing shit like the horse armor. It needs to be worthwhile. It needs to be substantial, as opposed to some tiny little thing that takes 20 minutes."

On support for PS3 online:

"We do want to have support for the network platform -- I think it's huge. And I'm looking at a lot of stuff right now that if I do end up doing anything with 3, I want to utilize that. [I'm thinking] 'what else is there? How can you explore creating more of a community with players?'"

On user created levels ala LittleBigPlanet in God of War:

"I think conceptually user created levels is awesome. User created levels for God of War -- I don't think it's a realistic proposition. We don't design levels with a level editor the way that like Unreal and Doom [do it] -- they have their own editors... there isn't much possibility of user created stuff for God of War."

On possibly putting co-op in God of War 3:

"I've been looking into it. I really dug playing Gears, and I really like the concept of the co-op. Does co-op have a place in God of War? If we can do something unique with it, yeah, but it is really an early exploration of that in my head really. It's not even a discussion with the team. We're not even moving on to do the game yet. I'm thinking how can we incorporate this without damaging what happens in the game -- without having it feel silly -- where it's just like 'we threw two Kratoses in there and now you can run around through the world.' It's gotta be something more than that. It's gotta have a true purpose, kinda like Four Swords. I don't want to necessarily make a game like Four Swords, but how it really had a meaning to how people play it."

On if we'll see hints of God of War PSP in the special features disc for God of War 2:

"No, I'm smart. We took out any references to stuff we don't want out yet... But there are some things in there that may relate to a future game if we do it, but you'll have to keep your eye open for that."

10:10: I'm tossing in a few more photos here to add some content, but if you're just reading this for the first time, be sure to head down to the 9:35 and 9:40 entries -- major news tonight!

9:45: Conference is over -- no trailers or images for the new games.

9:40: Did Barlog just confirm that God of War 3 will be in 1080p with Sixaxis and VIBRATION functions on PS3? He sure did! Whoa! Well, technically he didn't confirm GOW3, but he confirmed Sixaxis and vibration for the future of God of War. Here's hoping he wasn't joking, but it didn't sound that way.

9:35: Okay, first official group of details on the PSP game:

-It's not a port. In the words of director Cory Barlog (who is involved with the PSP game along with developer Ready at Dawn), "It is its own story that connects to the overall story. God of War, God of War 2, and then if all the stars align God of War 3 will be the telling of a trilogy. This PSP story will be a further fleshing out."

-The developers are not sure what's going to happen to the roll that was previously on the right analog stick yet -- various ideas like a toggle are being thrown around, but we don't know any more than that. "There are plusses and minuses to all of it," says Barlog.

-There's no word on where this sits in the overall story yet.

-There's no word on PSP/PS2/PS3 connectivity features. Ready at Dawn was one of the few developers to do PSP/PS2 connectivity with Daxter and Jak X, but Barlog says: "As far as the connectivity and stuff, it sounds awesome, but really kind of just found out about Home ourselves... Home was in development [during GOW2], but nobody really on our development team was knowledgeable about it, so there wasn't much we could do about it."

-The goal is for this version to be just as epic as the others, despite being on PSP. Barlog: "It is epic. It is big. There are hooks in the PSP story that I actually wrote from one of my first stories for God of War 2, so there are a lot of elements -- we're going to keep connecting all this stuff. To me, it's a persistent world... I want the PSP version to not feel like the PSP version... it's just as big. It's just as epic. It's God of War."

-You may revisit some general areas, but none of the same levels from previous games. Barlog: "We're not reusing any levels. We're not doing any of that stuff. It's all original content. And the game will ship with a second analog nub -- totally kidding! Not true at all!"

9:30: Barlog just had TC Carson on stage, and is now bringing up Harry Hamlin, who reprises his role from Clash of the Titans in God of War 2.

9:20: Barlog is speaking to some of the team members from Sony Santa Monica on stage to give them credit for their contributions to God of War 2. Roughly 15 of them are in attendance, and Barlog is introducing all of them. Many SCEA Santa Monica staff and friends are in the audience as well, which hardly ever happens at game press events.

9:10: Starting! There's a video of Cory Barlog at home making a sandwich on the screen, then taking his lunch to work in a comedic documentary. Seems like footage from the God of War 2 special features disc.

9:00: Okay, the delays are behind us and we're about to start the press conference. I just interviewed Cory Barlog and we're going to have bunch of info. soon.

6:00: Looks like the press conference portion of tonight's activities has been pushed from 7:00 to 8:30, so there may be a lull in the "live"blog for the next hour or two, but here are some photos of the Metreon and what's going on at the event while everything gets set up.

5:20: Sony's holding a launch event for God of War 2 tonight -- the game will officially be on sale as of midnight -- and there are lots of rumors this is where Sony will unveil God of War PSP. So we decided to liveblog the event, just in case something happens.

Let's add up what we know so far. Ready at Dawn is working on something. Cory Barlog is working on two projects simultaneously. And God of War 2 -- which ships at midnight tonight -- features a teaser ad for a PSP game shipping in 2007 on the back of its manual. Check back soon for more. There's a press conference tonight at 7:00 PST.

Looks like Ready at Dawn has a new logo.
Posted at Mon, 12 Mar 2007 17:24:23 PDT

此篇文章於 03-13-07 11:05 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 03-14-07, 10:11 AM   #14
The One
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舊 04-23-07, 08:15 PM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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《戰神 奧林匹斯之鏈》現身,PSP版《戰神》標題確認?


伴隨著倒計時逐漸現身的這個神秘新作LOGO,目前已經基本完整地顯示出來,除了上面大標題「God of War」只差最後一個字母「r」以外,下面的副標題也就剩下末尾的幾個字母而已了。依照下方副標題末尾的單詞來推測,最後顯示出來的應該是「us」或「ia」兩個字母,如此一來,整個副標題就是「Chains of Olympus(奧林匹斯之鏈)」


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舊 04-23-07, 08:40 PM   #16
Crazy Gamer
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之前唔係已經有新聞話個神秘網頁同PSP冇關架咩 ?
古烈特 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-23-07, 09:51 PM   #17
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作者: 古烈特 查看文章
之前唔係已經有新聞話個神秘網頁同PSP冇關架咩 ?
根據之前來自IGN的情報係咁講,不過暫時一切全是估計,講真PS3版唔用3字而只用副題God of War Chains of Olympus亦無不可呢,所以2面我都有POST.
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舊 04-24-07, 01:36 AM   #18
Game Master
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舊 04-24-07, 10:52 AM   #19
The One
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不過我原本諗住佢出番1 tim....ps2版都未買=...=............最鬼衰日版遲咁多....出左都唔知亦冷卻左..


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舊 04-25-07, 08:50 PM   #20
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舊 04-25-07, 09:33 PM   #21
Insane Gamer
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舊 04-25-07, 11:14 PM   #22
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God of War PSP - Chains of Olympus - Teaser Trailer
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-26-07, 08:23 AM   #23
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舊 04-26-07, 09:24 AM   #24
The One
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舊 04-26-07, 02:39 PM   #25
Insane Gamer
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