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boy 08:19 PM 05-26-02
Italy striker Filippo Inzaghi is set to miss their opening group match
against Ecuador on June 3 with a knee injury, a team official has said.
"Our objective is for him to be ready for the second game. It will be
difficult for him to be ready for the first game," said Italian team doctor
Andrea Ferretti.

The striker had scans on his injured left knee at the local hospital after
the team returned to base in Sendai on Sunday and the scan showed no torn

But while the tests ruled out serious damage and there is no swelling around
the knee, the player remains in pain and needs seven to 10 days to recover
full fitness.

"This morning we had another examination of the knee and it is much, much
better," said Ferretti.

"However, he still feels some pain. He needs two days of physiotherapy and a
gradual return to training."

Inzaghi picked up the injury in scoring during a 2-1 warm-up win over
Japanese champions Kashima Antlers on Sunday.

The AC Milan player had an operation on the same left knee in December and
was out of action for three months but the absence of serious ligament
damage in Monday's scan appeared to rule out a recurrence of that injury.

After facing Ecuador in the Japanese city of Sapporo, Italy will then meet
Croatia and Mexico at the finals.

與 東 道 主 南 韓 友 賽 時 因 傷 退 下 火 線 的 法 國 中 場 靈 魂 施 丹 , 在 之 後 立 即 進 行 了 初 步 的 驗 查 , 隊 醫 費 列 發 現 施 丹 左 大 腿 出 現 了 輕 微 撕 裂 的 情 況 , 因 此 施 丹 將 會 在 週 一 到 漢 城 進 行 另 一 次 更 徹 底 的 檢 查 , 如 發 現 其 大 腿 真 的 出 現 撕 裂 情 況 的 話 , 施 丹 大 有 可 能 缺 席 週 五 對 塞 內 加 爾 的 世 界 盃 開 幕 戰 。

領 隊 林 美 爾 亦 似 乎 頗 為 擔 心 施 丹 的 傷 勢 , 因 為 在 上 場 對 比 利 時 友 誼 賽 , 就 因 施 丹 要 陪 太 太 分 娩 缺 陣 , 令 法 國 中 場 線 失 去 重 心 最 終 更 落 得 輸 波 收 場 , 所 以 如 施 丹 不 幸 缺 陣 的 話 , 對 法 國 軍 心 有 一 定 影 響 。
10:04 PM 05-26-02
搖搖 10:17 PM 05-26-02
boy 11:27 PM 05-26-02

Tomorrow tests will be conducted to understand the extent of the injury.
It is the same knee that suffered ligament damage and underwent surgery
in December.

Should Inzaghi be ruled out for the tournament, then it is likely that
Parma Marco Di Vaio will be called as a late replacement.
老野一個 11:33 PM 05-26-02
搖搖 11:39 PM 05-26-02
作者: :
Originally posted by boy :

Tomorrow tests will be conducted to understand the extent of the injury.
It is the same knee that suffered ligament damage and underwent surgery
in December.

Should Inzaghi be ruled out for the tournament, then it is likely that
Parma Marco Di Vaio will be called as a late replacement.
搖搖 06:51 PM 05-27-02
boy 07:09 PM 05-27-02


反而唔鐘意國家隊既迪比阿路~(成日浪費良機 )
12:28 AM 05-28-02
