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舊 04-19-08, 09:21 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
都市開発でマルチプレイ!『Cities XL』が発表

都市開発でマルチプレイ!『Cities XL』が発表
by nick @ 2008/4/19 20:30

Cities XL via 公式サイト

Monte Cristo Multimediaから新しいタイプの都市開発シミュレーション、Cities XLが発表されました。本作は一つの惑星に複数のプレーヤーが都市を建設し開発していくマルチプレイに特化したゲームになっています。よく考えると争う要素の少ない本格的なマルチプレイ都市シミュレーションというのは、ありそうでなかったポジションですね。発表に併せて美しいスクリーンショットも数点公開されています。


開発を行っているMonte Cristo MultimediaはFire Department(日本ではファイヤー・キャプテン)やCity Life、メディーバル・ローズなどを製作してきた箱庭シミュレーションを得意としてきたパブリッシャーです。小粒な作品が多いものの良品も多く、ライトに楽しめるストラテジーゲームを長年製作してきた同社、マルチプレイでまったり遊べる都市シミュレーションというのはまさにストライクゾーンかもしれません。これまでの良さが上手く昇華されて集大成のような作品となれるでしょうか。

Cities XLは2009年にWindowsでリリースされる予定となっています。
(ソース: Kotaku, via 公式サイト)

Game Announce Cities XL - Taking City Building Online

City Life creator Monte Christo have just unveiled the next generation of their city-building franchise, Cities XL, which takes the city-building concept to a whole new level. Players will be able to develop their cities using a variety of architecture styles alone, but they'll also be able to create cities on persistent online planets populated with other players. You'll be able to team with others to create sprawling metropolises, visit and attend events in other players creations, or simply wander around exploring. It's a social online city building sim. It sounds absolutely glorious, and doesn't look too shabby either. This is the route SimCity should have taken, rather then releasing the ill-received SimCity Societies. Cities XL is scheduled for release in on the PC in 2009, but you can join the community at and have a hand in creating something that could revolutionize the city building genre.

Monte Cristo Unveils the Next Generation of City-Builders Think massive, think online, think CITIES XL™
PARIS, France. April 17, 2008 - Monte Cristo is pleased to announce CITIES XL™ for Windows today. In this next-generation take on the city building genre, realism will be pushed to the limit with cities that are bigger, more realistic and more sophisticated than ever before. CITIES XL™ will expand upon all the features that make city builders fun and interesting, while also letting players take their game online, as they interact with others in a massive online environment.

Download new CITIES XL™ screens at:

CITIES XL™ allows gamers to develop cities on realistic 3D maps using an incredible collection of unique structures and monuments based on American, Asian and European-influenced architectural styles. The maps feature a variety of environments: mountains, hills, canyons, beaches and islands, all set in different climates from tropical to desert, Mediterranean to temperate. Players must create the right combinations of social services, leisure activities, special events and other job opportunities within their cities in order to feed, clothe, employ and entertain their citizens. Be it planning and building a new zoo, public park, residential neighborhood or transit system - there's always a fresh and exciting challenge for would-be city managers and mayors in CITIES XL™.

"We believe that the level of detail and realism brought to CITIES XL™ answers the needs of city-builder fans," said Jérôme Gastaldi, COO of Monte Cristo. "We believe fans of the genre will definitely enjoy CITIES XL™ and many of those fans have provided us with feedback on our development so far. We are really proud to have such a cool and proactive community."

The game's online features and services will allow players to create interconnected cities on virtual and persistent planets. Mayors can share and trade with one another, specialize their economy and team up with befriended cities to create sprawling metropolises. Life on the planet will be punctuated by events and competitions - a concert held in one town may, for example, be attended by visitors from other areas who can also enjoy a walk around the city to admire the urban creations of multiple players. By combining a fantastic single-player game with the social and multiplayer aspects of an MMO, CITIES XL™ will shape the future of the genre by offering more variety, bigger cities and multiple gameplay layers.

For more information about CITIES XL™, which will ship in 2009, please join the continuously growing community at
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-23-08, 01:33 AM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
實現打造城市夢想《Cities XL》明年第一季上市 2008-04-21 19:59:30

  想要一圓建造城市的夢想嗎?Monte Cristo 宣布正在開發電腦模擬遊戲《Cities XL》,不僅可以單機遊玩,也可連線與其他玩家互動,讓彼此的城市相互交流。

  玩家將在遊戲所模擬出如同真實 3D 地圖般的世界中來發展都市,可運用如亞洲、歐洲、美洲等建築物形式,地圖上擁有眾多的環境元素包括山脈、峽谷、海灘、島嶼等等,還可以設定從熱帶到寒帶等不同的氣候;玩家在創造城市後,得好好管理居民的滿意度,在城市中必須要設法創造合適的工作機會、社會福利、休閒娛樂等,才能滿足所屬的國民食衣住行、工作等需求,例如玩家可以建造新的動物園、公園、住宅區或是大眾交通系統等。

  Monte Cristo 表示,此款遊戲主要是為了滿足熱愛建造城市的玩家,遊戲也可支援連線功能,允許不同玩家在虛擬星球上建立彼此互連的城市,市長可以與其他市長來交易或交流,成為姊妹市甚至形成更大型的都會區,例如玩家也可舉辦演唱會或大型活動,來吸引其他城市的民眾來參加,以促進自己城市的成長。

  根據 Monte Cristo 目前規畫,想玩單機遊戲的玩家,只要付費購買遊戲產品就可永久遊玩,若是想要進一步使用連線服務,讓自己的城市能成為廣大遊戲世界的一份子,則未來可能將會加收費用,收費形式未定。

(RU 報導)
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-23-08, 01:35 AM   #3
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2006
文章: 1,852
simcity 類?

睇畫面我部機張display card應該頂唔順
woodlcw 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-05-08, 10:59 AM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Exclusive Launch Trailer

Exclusive Launch Trailer HD
Create an entire city, create an entire world.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-05-08, 03:45 PM   #5
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2006
文章: 4,748
XBox Live GamertagKevinLTB HK
畫面都同 simcity 好似, 希望有返以前 simcity o既感覺.

話時話, simcity 仲會唔會有新一集? 上次隻 societies 真係...

終極目標 (?!) :
Nikon FF 拍片機 (D600) - 2012-09-19 達成
AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED - 2009-08-27 達成
AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II - 2010-12-15 達成
kevinltb 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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