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舊 06-04-04, 12:27 AM   #1
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 4,458
Taito 發表推出新型廉價街機底板"Type X"

It is using PC parts:

CPU: Celeron 2.5GHz,
Chipset: Intel 865G,
Graphic Card: ATI RADEON 9200SE,
HardDisk included
OS: MS Windows XP (DirectX API),
the board manufacturer could change the configuration (like a normal PC), and upgrade the graphic card if required.

Taito claim that this new system was created to help reducing the cost of arcade games by 10 - 15%, and it will be easy to port the arcade games to consoles.

Taito plans to sold 20.000 of "Type X" within this fiscal year.


"Sony's engineers suck at GPU design, as the GS proves. The Dreamcast with a older GPU design destroys the GS in the PS2 when it comes to features. The GS is a very simple rendering part. Sony bragged so much about how many pixels they can push, but never talked about the quality of the pixels being pushed." - Edge
C.K.F. 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-04-04, 12:58 AM   #2
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2003
文章: 14,192

大情大性武大帝 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-04-04, 01:05 AM   #3
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: May 2004
文章: 211
就好似讀地理時,d 相有d 鎚仔 、銀仔咁既用途

玄鳥 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-06-04, 08:33 PM   #4
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 4,458

睇埋背部d in/out port, 呢塊"TypeX"果然真係一部PC, 之前d人話Xbox係PC, 相比之下Xbox根本望塵莫及!

Celeron 2.5GHz (HK$5XX) + i865PE Mother Board M-ATX (HK$4XX)
+ ATi Radeon9200SE(128MB) diaplay card (HK$3XX) + HDD (HK$4XX)
+ DDR SDRAM(Dual Channel, 256MB? x 2) (HK$6XX) + LAN card + 火牛 + 機箱

整部機成本價應在HK$2,500以下, 性能可在TriForce(GameCube)之上.

如果將呢塊板賣貴一倍, 即HK$5,000(當然不連game), 以業務用硬件來講這可算非常便宜.

"Sony's engineers suck at GPU design, as the GS proves. The Dreamcast with a older GPU design destroys the GS in the PS2 when it comes to features. The GS is a very simple rendering part. Sony bragged so much about how many pixels they can push, but never talked about the quality of the pixels being pushed." - Edge
C.K.F. 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-08-04, 03:06 PM   #5
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 1,016
billlam 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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