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舊 02-19-17, 07:25 PM   #151
God of Gamer
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舊 02-22-17, 05:03 PM   #152
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 19,314
PSN  IDALEX_201225
6 Features From Other Racing Games We Want in Gran Turismo Sport

February 21st, 2017 by Ali Samy

2017 is upon us, and we’ve already bet on it being a bumper crop for racing games. This should be special for anyone with an interest in Sony’s flagship racer, as we should finally have the first entry of Polyphony Digital’s Gran Turismo series on the PlayStation 4.
While Polyphony has been taking its time, the racing genre on consoles has been refreshingly competitive, with new entries and IPs aiming to capture the heart of the average console sim player. Now, with Gran Turismo Sport racing onto the PS4 this year, we wondered what lessons Polyphony could learn from what its competition has served up so far.
Image courtesy of MeanElf

#1: Reliable Net Code, From Day One
One of the main reasons Evolution’s Driveclub got off to a rocky start was that its net code, which manages the game’s online play, was not reliable. While Driveclub was marketed as a connected experience, the unreliability rendered a lot of the game’s features useless, leaving a bad taste in the mouths for those who bought it early on.
With Gran Turismo Sport‘s focus on online racing, this is something that simply must be nailed from the start. An online stress test would be useful, which makes the scrapped beta plans a potential cause for concern.
On the plus side, it certainly seems like Kazunori and company have learned not just from the shaky Driveclub experience, but also GT6‘s sometimes-unreliable online, as GT Sport is set to feature dedicated servers for important races.
Driveclub’s free Japan circuit was a great addition

#2: Extensive Post-Launch Support
We know it is important for GT Sport to avoid Driveclub‘s online woes, but Polyphony would do well to imitate Evolution’s exceptional post-launch support for their game. With a season pass that included both cars and events (and was extended), alongside an abundance of free new features, the game ended as a completely different beast from those dark early times.
There was even the inclusion of Driveclub Bikes, which continued to prolong the title’s life, and helped remove the bad image that plagued the title from launch.
With Kazunori Yamauchi already stating plans for post launch support, Driveclub‘s season pass and post-launch updates should be the benchmark for Polyphony to chase. How that sort of system jives with a final car tally that could approach 500 vehicles is anybody’s guess, however.
Project CARS’s AI really adds to the game’s fun factor.

#3: Artificial Intelligence (That’s Actually Intelligent)
Slightly Mad Studios’ Project CARS was one of the big releases for the sim racing console community back in 2015 (and fans will be delighted to know a sequel just got announced), with a goal of achieving a no-holds-barred hardcore sim racer. Whether the game achieved that is up for debate, but it sold reasonably well, and it nailed a lot of features, notably the competitive AI with very large grids and multi-class racing.
Gran Turismo’s AI, by contrast, has left a lot to be desired over past releases. Project CARS‘ impressive implementation allows players to set the AI with a numerically-assigned difficulty, offering a decent challenge to even the fastest of players.
These bots could make drivers feel as if they were driving against actual racers—defending and being aggressive—rather than the passive AI Gran Turismo 6 exhibits. We’ve seen hints of progress in recent footage, but we would still like to see the AI put up more of a fight (here is a recent example from Project CARS 2).
Gt Sport’s Campaign Mode Overlay

#4: Deeper Career Structure
Previous Gran Turismo career modes employed a tried-and-tested formula: start with an under-powered average car, win races, then upgrade and purchase new cars until you fill up your dream garage.
Gran Turismo Sport‘s career appears to change the formula. Polyphony could have a look at Project CARS‘s career structure: choose a discipline — open wheel racing, for example — and work your way up the ladder, impressing sponsors and fans along the way.
From what we know so far, Gran Turismo Sport‘s offline mode seems to be split into three categories: “Arcade Mode”, “Campaign Mode” and “Sport Mode”. Arcade Mode is most likely the typical offline mode we’ve seen in past games. We do hope, however, that it gets some much-needed upgrades, like the ability to participate in a full race weekend, with practice and qualifying, with the option to set field size and difficulty to the player’s liking.
Campaign Mode appears to be similar to the License Tests beloved by many in previous GT games, teaching players the basics of driving and racing before letting them loose online in Sport Mode. Sport Mode is arguably the most important component — it’s right there in the game’s name, after all — with online races and events alongside the two FIA-sanctioned Gran Turismo championships: The Nations Cup and Manufacturers Cup.
We’d like to see online lobbies have similar options to Project CARS, giving the players the tools to create fully customizable race weekends.
Dirt Rally’s excellent sound engine adds to the immersion.

#5: Better Sound Effects
You knew this was coming. One of the most prominent weak points of the GT series has been the disappointing sound effects. Codemasters resumed its successful DiRT series with DiRT Rally (read our review here), featuring not only great physics, but an incredible sound engine that captures the raw noise of these powerful machines.
GT6 had a sophisticated sound engine, with distance echoes and the Doppler effect simulated, but the individual samples for many of the engines left a lot to be desired. Lately, we’ve seen signs that GT Sport has taken a big step in the right direction.
We hope Polyphony gets inspiration from Dirt Rally as well as the recently announced DiRT 4, and strive for simulating more than just the car engine sounds. DiRT Rally‘s rather impressive audio engine simulates the pops and crackles coming from the exhaust, the noise of pebbles hitting the underside, drivetrain noises, and more, all coming together to deliver a wonderful sense of immersion.
Image courtesy of JorgePinto.

#6: More Car Customization
Microsoft’s Forza series has been getting stronger and stronger this generation, and the latest entry is Playground’s Forza Horizon 3. One of Forza Horizon 3‘s best features is the plethora of customization options on offer.
Forza has always had the edge over the GT series in this area, boasting a useful and robust Livery Editor, allowing players to express their talents while creating some fantastic liveries. Not only that, Forza’s Auction house gives players the ability to sell and purchase the creations of others.
GT Sport set to feature a livery editor, a series first.

Polyphony seems to have taken notice, as Gran Turismo Sport is set to be the first Gran Turismo game to feature an extensive Livery Editor. Kazunori stated that we can create our own decals — hopefully with proper tools like mirroring, layer overlays, and font control — which will allow us enough freedom to create truly unique liveries.
Competition Breeds Excellence
As racing enthusiasts, we have been blessed during this console generation, and it’s great to see strong competition in the racing genre. Hopefully sooner, rather than later, we will be enjoying Polyphony’s latest entry to see how it stacks up to its contemporaries.

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舊 02-23-17, 08:56 AM   #153
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 1,738
有兩個 Feature其實好想GT有:1)UDP telemetry 有咗以後搞Simulator 就好做好多。2)21:9 mon support。
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舊 02-24-17, 10:59 PM   #154
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
Aston Martin AM-RB 001 Will be Powered by Cosworth, Makes Debut in Canada

February 23rd, 2017 by Kyle Patrick

Last summer, Aston Martin announced a joint effort with Red Bull’s F1 team — led by Adrian Newey of Gran Turismo’s X-car fame — to bring a hypercar to market before the end of the decade. Now, more details have been revealed about the car that could set new records for production vehicles.
The AM-RB 001 may still be lacking its final production name, but Aston Martin has let us know what will be the heart of the car: a 6.5L naturally-aspirated V12 from Cosworth. Smaller than the twelve-pot motors found in the One-77 and Vulcan, the engine is nonetheless expected to be massively powerful, as Aston has targeted the golden 1:1 power-to-weight ratio.
Cosworth isn’t the only big name set to help make the project a reality. The carbon fiber tub will be supplied by Multimatic, the Canadian company that helped develop the One-77 (and is currently crafting the new 2017 GT for Ford).
That big V12 will be mated to a seven-speed dual-clutch transmission by Ricardo, and bolstered by a hybrid battery system supplied by Rimac (known for its monstrous all-electric Concept One hypercar). Braking will be handled jointly by Alcon and Surface Transforms, who will be providing the calipers and brake discs, respectively.
Newey had this to say on the all-star cast that will collaborate on the project, which will result in no more than 150 cars (25 of which will be track-only models):
“Much like Formula One, designing, engineering and building a car like the AM-RB 001 is a massive team effort. To achieve great things you need to surround yourself with the best people. Experience, creativity, energy, diligence and perfectionism are absolute must-have qualities in every area of the project. Having great technical partners such as those working with us is both reassuring and motivating. Together we aim to produce an innovative piece of engineering art.”
The car recently made its first North American appearance — as well as its global auto show debut — at the 2017 Canadian International Auto Show. Take a look below: we’ve got quite a wait before customer deliveries begin in early 2019.

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舊 02-27-17, 04:55 AM   #155
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 19,314
PSN  IDALEX_201225
GT4 Photo Travel Location Returns In Gran Turismo Sport

February 26th, 2017 by Kyle Patrick

Integrated Systems Europe. While it isn’t up there with E3 in the average gamer’s vocabulary, the ISE show in Amsterdam is a hotbed of cutting edge display tech. Gran Turismo Sport was part of Sony’s showcase, and a small detail from the franchise’s earlier years was spotted by our eagle-eyed community.
In the video above, you’ll find Sony’s massive CLEDIS display system, boasting an 8K x 2K resolution. Skip ahead to the 2:13 mark, and if you’re familiar with Gran Turismo 4, you should find a familiar location.
Marunouchi — more specifically, the Tokyo International Forum — was one of several Japanese locations in the PS2 title, which also marked the first instance of Gran Turismo’s Photomode. In the case of GT Sport, the location is likely one of the 1000-plus Scapes that Polyphony has stated are a part of the game.
We’ve corrected the perspective from the video to compare to an original GT4 image:

While not the biggest of news bombshells, it’s nonetheless a pleasing bonus for digital photographers. The GT4 Photo Travel locations arguably offered more variety than either of the PS3-era games that came later, so we wonder what other classics are hidden amongst the hundreds of Scapes in GT Sport.
As for more substantial updates on the game, GT Sport will be present at the Game Developers Conference next week, while a new Pininfarina Vision Gran Turismo is set to be unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show only days later. Hopefully one of those events sheds more light on the title’s recent developments.
Thanks to okami11408 for first pointing out the Marunouchi connection!
Gran Turismo Sport is scheduled to launch later this year on PlayStation 4.

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舊 03-02-17, 07:09 PM   #156
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
Pininfarina Continues to Tease Fittipaldi EF7; Full Reveal Next Week

March 1st, 2017 by Michael Leary

February began with the taunting reveal of the latest addition to the “not even halfway done” Vision GT Project. The Fittipaldi EF7 is headed by the legendary Italian coach-builder Pininfarina, and bears the initials of the two-time F1 and Indy 500 Driver’s Champion Emerson Fittipaldi. Set to be revealed in earnest next week, March 7 at the Geneva International Motor Show, some new information has emerged before its big day.
Once again brought to our attention by Tassie_tiger, the new information reveals very little. As seen in the above image, a new quarter view reveals more of the vehicle’s rear end and spoiler, and its namesake branded accordingly. More details have been added to the manufacturer’s website as well — it’s here that things become a little more interesting.
The newest VGT car is expected to make an appearance in the yet-to-be-released Gran Turismo Sport, and while it isn’t mentioned outright, the latest addition on the website appears to echo that gesture:
Fittipaldi and Polyphony Digital have teamed up to ensure supercar and video game enthusiasts worldwide can push the limits with a virtual version of the EF7 Vision Gran Turismo in the Gran Turismo racing series.
Further, Gran Turismo and the FIA, the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, have created the FIA-certified Gran Turismo Championships, a new platform for motorsports. Fittipaldi said: “eSports is a sure future, and partnering with the Gran Turismo team to replicate the feeling of driving the EF7 Vision Grand Turismo was eye opening.”
As mentioned previously, the EF7 will be powered by a normally-aspirated V8 engine sending over 600 horsepower to its driven wheels, and will weigh around 1,000 kg. A brief glimpse of the front of the EF7 also revealed a radical design language, not unbecoming of Pininfarina. Only six days remain until the Geneva Motor Show is underway.

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舊 03-02-17, 07:18 PM   #157
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2003
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依家d game俾$就垃圾;免費就高質
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舊 03-02-17, 07:19 PM   #158
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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舊 03-02-17, 07:40 PM   #159
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2003
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Gran Turismo Sport | 延至2017年

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舊 03-02-17, 10:18 PM   #160
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舊 03-02-17, 10:21 PM   #161
God of Gamer
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此篇文章於 03-07-17 09:21 PM 被 ALEX CHOW 編輯。
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舊 03-07-17, 09:22 PM   #162
God of Gamer
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舊 03-08-17, 12:13 AM   #163
Insane Gamer
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PSHK最新條片都話GT Sport春季出
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舊 03-08-17, 01:01 AM   #164
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
Fittipaldi EF7 Vision Gran Turismo Unveiled in Geneva, Coming to GT Sport

March 7th, 2017 by Ali Samy

After many teases, F1 legend and former Indy 500 champion Emerson Fittipaldi has pulled back the sheets on the latest entry in the Vision Gran Turismo roster on the ground in Geneva: the Fittipaldi EF7 Vision GT.
The Pininfarina-designed racer will not only be coming to GT Sport, but — unlike other VGT cars — this one will get built and sold in limited numbers to customers. The lucky few who will take the car home will get lessons on how to tame the beast from Emerson Fittipaldi himself.

The completely carbon fiber car is the output of Fittipaldi’s vision alongside Pininfarina, and race-bred German engineering firm HWA AG. The car boasts an incredible aerodynamic package featuring an intricate diffuser, a huge rear wing and air inlet pods at the side of the car.
The EF7 comes with a naturally-aspirated V8 which sends drive to the rear wheels via an integrated gearbox, suspension and braking system developed by HWA AG.
“The EF7 is an exciting car that embodies Pininfarina’s DNA in terms of style and innovation, Emerson’s championship race experience and HWA AG’s flawless engineering skills,” said Pininfarina Chairman Paolo Pininfarina. “Our collective team was able to turn a dream into a driving machine.”
Kazunori Yamauchi, President of Polyphony Digital, was delighted with the car and added “The Fittipaldi EF7 Vision Gran Turismo by Pininfarina boasts a collective of some of the automotive world’s best partners, and it is a project we’re honored to be a part of.”

The car eschews the modern trend of active aero for a smoother shape. The front and rear wings combine with the massive diffuser to keep the car planted at speed. To our eyes, there is a hint of Ferrari’s track-only FXX program cars in the profile (both the Enzo-based original and the La Ferrari-based FXX K), and a splash of the Koenigsegg Regera in the rear taillights. All in all, the EF7 is a handsome machine.
The reveal comes with a new Gran Turismo Sport trailer featuring the car in a wind tunnel, then being unleashed at several tracks that sadly have all been seen before. It is worth noting however that the interior wasn’t shown in-game, so it might not be modeled quite yet (not the first time for a VGT car).
For those hungry for more GT Sport news, what we first heard last August remains the story now: the game is targeting a release at some point this year.
Take a gander at the car in the gallery below, and stay tuned for more news out of Geneva!
Gran Turismo Sport is scheduled to launch on PlayStation 4 later in 2017.

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舊 03-08-17, 06:48 PM   #165
God of Gamer
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F1 2024 西班牙站(06/21--06/23)!!!
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舊 03-08-17, 08:16 PM   #166
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225

更新日: 2017年03月08日








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舊 03-08-17, 08:17 PM   #167
God of Gamer
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舊 03-10-17, 01:38 AM   #168
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
Gran Turismo Sport Closed Beta Coming March 17 For US Players

March 9th, 2017 by Kyle Patrick

They say good news comes in threes. You’ve already read the headline, so here it is: a GT Sport beta is in fact coming, and soon too.
The big news comes from Kazunori Yamauchi himself, as posted just now on the PlayStation blog. It follows the one-two punch of the Fittipaldi EF7 Vision Gran Turismo and the partnership with Tag Heuer as the official timer of GT Sport.
There are some important distinctions to be made since a beta was first ear-marked way back at the initial unveiling of the game (and then quietly cancelled last May). Firstly, this will not be an open beta available to anybody with a functioning PlayStation 4: it will initially be open to select US PSN ID’s only. Those in other regions are urged to sign up for future updates (right here).
Why the about-face on the idea of a beta? In Yamauchi’s own words, it’s about getting the best sort of feedback for the development team:
“As with most BETA programs, in order for the development team to capture data in an optimal manner, the sample size needs to be increased gradually and in stages. While we begin to roll out the BETA, we have decided that the time differences across the U.S. are best matched to the development team in Tokyo.”

The beta will offer GT fans their first look at the Driver Profile that is integral to the game’s eSports focus. The combination of Sportsmanship and Driver Ratings (detailed in our article here) will track player’s behaviour and general skill level respectively, ideally offering balanced, close racing action no matter where you land on the spectrum.
During the early stages, the beta servers will be open at specific times for those lucky participants. Polyphony Digital promises to share these times closer to the release, which is only a week away — so there won’t be a long wait for that.

The teaser trailer gives away little: while it utilizes the series’ classic “Moon Over the Castle”, the accompanying visuals have cropped up in earlier videos. No word yet on what the beta itself will contain, but we anticipate a few surprises.
The beta is expected to grow in size as it develops, opening up to more people and regions. Stay tuned for more details on what the beta will contain!
Gran Turismo Sport is scheduled to launch later this year on PlayStation 4.

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此篇文章於 03-10-17 01:41 AM 被 ALEX CHOW 編輯。
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舊 03-10-17, 10:20 PM   #169
God of Gamer
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Closed Beta Trailer
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舊 03-10-17, 10:21 PM   #170
God of Gamer
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舊 03-13-17, 04:44 PM   #171
Ultimate Gamer
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我用Hkpsn apply....

依家d game俾$就垃圾;免費就高質
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舊 03-18-17, 02:57 PM   #172
God of Gamer
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F1 2024 西班牙站(06/21--06/23)!!!
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舊 03-18-17, 04:41 PM   #173
God of Gamer
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舊 03-19-17, 04:57 PM   #174
God of Gamer
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PSN  ID封左塵....
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beta 好正, 下星期扲番部pro 再試下有乜分別

另回收/維修各類特殊,開發,除錯 用途主機,可以PM 我
寵物用品 零售
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舊 03-19-17, 05:02 PM   #175
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今次唔急, 佢慢慢攪完出左我先連埋pro一齊買
有racing pack 更佳

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[PS2]Gran Turismo For Boys 神祕人1號 電視遊戲討論版 18 11-11-04 05:06 PM

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