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舊 12-04-15, 09:12 PM   #1151
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舊 12-05-15, 10:03 AM   #1152
God of Gamer
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I don't know

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此篇文章於 12-05-15 10:52 AM 被 ALEX CHOW 編輯。
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舊 12-07-15, 12:59 PM   #1153
God of Gamer
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
Gran Turismo 6 Celebrates Second Anniversary

December 6th, 2015 by Kyle P.

Two years ago to this day, Gran Turismo 6 launched on PS3. 365 days ago, we looked back at the first year of the game, starting from the Ronda release party, right through to Update 1.14 and its introduction of Community Features. So, what’s changed in the last year?
The two biggest features that were missing since release – B-Spec and Course Maker – both showed up. B-Spec arrived in late February 2015, in a comprehensive 1.16 update that also included series classic Midfield Raceway and a Vision Gran Turismo car (more on that later). Polyphony took the time to also update their website, so that Seasonal Event rankings could be easily viewed online instead of only in the game.
Of course, the big news this fall was Course Maker. After an unusual leak in February, the Course Maker (now carrying the Track Path Editor title) arrived at the tail-end of September. GTPlanet had an exclusive first-look at the TPE, the controversial tablet-only app, which has nonetheless proven popular since release, as users across the community have found many workarounds to get it functioning on numerous other platforms.
GTPlanet launched the GT6 Track Database, offering players a handy way to download other players’ tracks. The database has been a huge success, with 1688 submissions so far – that’s an average of almost 25 each and every day since it arrived.
The Vision GT project continued to march forward, with numerous reveals, both expected and not. Starting only a few weeks after the the first anniversary, Infiniti and Chaparral unleashed there unique takes on the initiative, with the latter going all-in on the crazy with a full-on laser treatment. Mazda popped a gift in everybody’s stocking on Christmas Eve 2014, when the LM55 Vision GT showed up. MINI’s Clubman concept was introduced in the already-mentioned 1.16 update, paired with Midfield Raceway and B-Spec. Following that, Lexus and Alpine (1.17), Volkswagen (v1.18, along with 2015’s GT Academy), Peugeot (v1.19) all showed off their wares, before the most recent (in GT6), most powerful product of the program was revealed: SRT’s wild Tomahawk, which produces an absolutely insane 2,590hp.
GTPlanet hosted a challenge involving the most extreme X variant of the Tomahawk, hurtling around the Nordschleife, where winners were presented with posters signed by the design team, and even Kazunori Yamauchi himself!

There are, of course, two newer Vision GT’s that haven’t shown up in GT6. Hyundai and Bugatti both teased their creations before revealing all the details at the Frankfurt Auto Show. What the reveals didn’t show was almost as interesting, as people quickly realized the videos did not end with the usual GT6 watermark, but instead a more general GT one.
Which brings us to the next step in the future of the 75-million-strong Gran Turismo series. Gran Turismo Sport had a surprise unveiling at Paris Game Week at the end of October, where Kazunori announced the new PS4 game would focus on the long-awaited FIA Championship partnership first earmarked in 2014. While it wasn’t shown at this weekend’s PlayStation Experience in San Francisco, Sony has confidence in the game’s 2016 release window. The public beta for the game – a technical first for GT – will be launching in the Spring of next year.

It has been an exciting year for Gran Turismo 6, expanding further to represent the final send-off for the PS3 era. We look forward to 2016, as GT Sport carries the Gran Turismo torch onto the PlayStation 4.
Happy second birthday, GT6!
GT6 Photomode image by mazda787.

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舊 12-28-15, 09:44 AM   #1154
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
  • 車両の追加
    • Vision Gran Turismoの各車両。
    • 続々と最新車種が追加される。
      • 追加された車種はゲームのアップデート後、Vision GTディーラー内に並び、そのままゲーム内で購入できるようになる。
  • ただし、ここ最近VGTについてのアップデートがないため、次作のGT Sportによる収録も考えられる。

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舊 12-29-15, 09:50 AM   #1155
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
Leaked Gran Turismo Concept Art Reveals New Cars, Tracks, & Locations

December 28th, 2015 by Jordan G.

Every year, Polyphony Digital hosts an annual Christmas party at their offices in Japan with a wide variety of motorsports and gaming industry celebrities in attendance. This year, however, they spiced things up a bit, using the opportunity to show off what appears to be new concept artwork likely related to next year’s Gran Turismo Sport.

The new images, which hung on the walls around the office Christmas tree, made their way to social media via Super GT drivers Kohei Hirate and Satoshi Motoyama, and Toyota’s Masashi Honda, who indicated his “expectations for the AI is increasing” on Facebook.
The images’ remarkable fidelity and seemingly too-good-to-be-true quality has caused a flurry of debate since they were posted to our forums yesterday, so we can’t declare these to be new GT Sport “screenshots” just yet.

However, the “GT” logo is displayed in the top right corner of the prints, and the images appear to be entirely new and unique, indicating they are Polyphony’s own creations. Some speculate they may be composite images, which combine 3D car models with photographs. Regardless, they are striking images which may offer a good indication of what’s to come in GT Sport.

In addition to the artwork, one of the images shows GT Academy star Lucas Ordoñez driving on the Autopolis circuit in what appears to be a debug version of GT6. Although the track is lacking environmental details, Polyphony’s team has certainly been giving the track some attention.
Autopolis is a 2.9-mile circuit in southern Japan, near Polyphony’s new headquarters in Fukuoka. It is owned and operated by Kawasaki, and regularly hosts Super GT, Super Formula, MFJ Superbike and Super Taikyu races.

Thanks to Twitter user @Rest_rk_02 and our own Dionisiy for the tips!

Keep Reading
See more on Polyphony Digital, Lucas Ordonez, Christmas, Super GT, Autopolis.

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舊 12-31-15, 06:23 PM   #1156
Eternal Flame™
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果幾場racing car的SE難到呢...

3DS friend code 4957 2283 8472
Name: アルテマ
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舊 12-31-15, 06:25 PM   #1157
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
作者: 肥陸行鳥 查看文章
果幾場racing car的SE難到呢...
So easy wor

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舊 01-04-16, 10:24 AM   #1158
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
Upcoming Hot Wheels Set Could Hint at GT Sport Roster

January 3rd, 2016 by Kyle P.

Automakers can have trouble keeping new models under wraps. With patent drawings and model cars leaking before the model they’re based on is ready for the spotlight, it can be hard for companies to keep upcoming vehicles truly secret (the Ford GT’s reveal last year being one of the high-profile genuine surprises we’ve seen recently). These leaks can also affect movies, and now, it looks like Gran Turismo has joined the ranks.
A listing on Camco Toys has a pre-order for a five car “Gran Turismo” pack. The contents should be familiar to Gran Turismo fans:
  • Nissan 2020 Concept Vision GT
  • Chevrolet Corvette C7.R
  • Mazda LM55 Vision GT
  • Lamborghini Veneno
  • Nissan GT-R
The two Vision GT cars are straight-forward additions, while the others offer tantalizing possibilities. The Veneno, for example, was prominently displayed in the GT Sport announcement trailer. While Nissan’s VGT has yet to be seen in the new game (and could be the updated version shown across the globe at the Tokyo Motor Show during GT Sport’s reveal in Paris), the LM55 joined the Lamborghini in our first official look at the 2016 title.

Interestingly, the C7.R has yet to be seen in any Gran Turismo game, which could mean it’s coming to GT Sport. Of course, its immediate predecessors never officially made it into the series – the PD-designed Racing Modifications for both the Z06 and ZR1 standing in for the real-life C6.R racer – so this should not be treated as a confirmation of the C7.R’s inclusion in GT Sport quite yet.
The final car in the pack could be one of the dozens of GT-R’s currently in Gran Turismo 6, or a new model. We’ll have to wait for images of the pack to know for sure.
Lending legitimacy to the listing is this eBay listing. The Ghostbusters Ecto 1 is part of the 2016 Retro Entertainment A pack, while the Gran Turismo pack’s full name is Retro Entertainment B. Considering GT Sport is set to arrive this year, it stands to reason this is a marketing tie-in to raise awareness for the brand.

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舊 01-04-16, 09:21 PM   #1159
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
Welcome to the Gran Turismo SPORT Master Car & Track List. This will contain every car and track/location confirmed to be in Gran Turismo SPORT, releasing 2016 on Playstation 4.

Last Updated - October 29th, 2015 (Far from complete)​

Gran Turismo SPORT Car List

Cars with the (GT SPORT) logo next to them indicate the car is new to Gran Turismo SPORT and has not featured in a previous Gran Turismo game.

Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo 4C '15 (GT SPORT)


Audi R18 TDI (Audi Sport Team Joest) '11
Audi R8 LMS #28 (Audi Sport Team WRT) '15 (GT SPORT)

Aston Martin

Aston Martin Vantage GT3 '14 (GT SPORT)


Bugatti Vision Gran Turismo (GT SPORT)


Hyundai N 2025 Vision Gran Turismo (GT SPORT)


Lamborghini Veneno '13 (GT SPORT)


Mazda LM55 Vision Gran Turismo
Mazda Roadster '16 (GT SPORT)


Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT3 '11
Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S '15 (GT SPORT)


Sources/citations for cars:

1. GT SPORT Trailer #1 [YouTube]


A car/track/location is determined to be confirmed in the game if either

a) Polyphony Digital directly announce them for the specific game or
B) They are seen in an official screenshot or video confirmed to be Gran Turismo SPORT.

Anything else, including cars rumoured for GTS, cars announced non-specifically as coming to a 'future' GT game and cars seen in trailers but without in-game graphics are not listed. Only 100% confirmed cars and tracks.

All cars are assumed to be fully detailed 'premium' models unless otherwise noted.

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舊 01-05-16, 10:06 AM   #1160
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
Could Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus Be Coming To Gran Turismo?

January 4th, 2016 by Kyle P.

Spurred on by recent discussions about Hot Wheels and tremendously fast vehicles, our community has uncovered another hint around the internet that might shed some light on this year’s GT Sport car roster. Curiously, the hint comes from none other than Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus themselves.
User @Carffeine shared a post from SCG’s Facebook page from back in September(originally here, GTP forum post here), sharing a video about, strangely enough, Bugatti’s Vision GT project. Responding to another user’s hopes for SCG creations to appear in the Gran Turismo series, SCG says simply “they will be.”
It would be a most welcome inclusion to Gran Turismo, and not a wholly unexpected one, either: Back in 2013 at the Jalopnik Film Festival, the crowd – peppered with a few members of GTPlanet – enjoyed a discussion including Glickenhaus himself, as well as Ken Block, Tamir Moscovici, and Kazunori Yamauchi. The festival was also sponsored by Gran Turismo 6.
The SCG003 is the most recent project from the company. Built with racing in mind, the Turin-built supercar is unique in its plug-and-play approach. While the road car will come with a V12, Glickenhaus has stated that the engine, transmission, and suspension can be easily swapped with the competition Honda twin-turbo V6. The company goal, in fact, is to drive the car to Le Mans, swap out the drivetrain to race, then swap back for the drive home.
2016 could see Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus showing up in multiple console sims. It already exists in Assetto Corsa, as a part of Dream Pack 2, and Kunos has already stated the game will be arriving on both the XBox One and PlayStation 4 this year.
For more GT Sport discussion, head on over to our dedicated forum.
Assetto Corsa images by Terronium-12.

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舊 01-29-16, 08:19 PM   #1161
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225

最後更新日: 2016年01月25日
Vision Gran Turismo獲得日本汽車設計大賞特別獎
Vision Gran Turismo
1月23日,在東京港區「The Gallery Too」舉行了日本汽車設計大賞(主辦者:Car Styling)的頒獎典禮。「Gran Turismo」因為一直以來致力於Vision Gran Turismo活動,而獲頒Golden Marker特別獎。

關於Vision Gran Turismo的得獎理由,審查委員們給予了「是讓還無法取得駕照的年輕人們也能接觸、了解汽車的好工具」、「擴展市場可能性的同時也給予設計師們許多機 會」等等評價。這是2013年以來,「Gran Turismo」和各國車廠一起做的嘗試、挑戰,再次地受到專業設計者們的肯定。

「Gran Turismo」製作人山內一典出席這場頒獎典禮,獲得了紀念獎盃。此外,本次日本汽車設計大賞,除了Vision Gran Turismo以外也有下列的市販車/概念車獲獎。

【日本汽車設計大賞2015-2016 獲獎車及審查委員】
・Golden Marker獎 量產車部門:Mazda CX-3
・Golden Marker獎 概念車部門:Yamaha Sports Ride Concept
・Golden Clay獎:Mazda RX-VISION

審查委員:兒玉英雄(汽車設計師)/青戶務(汽車設計師)/牧清和(車體建構師)/栗原典善(汽車設計師)/有元正存(設計類新聞記者)/佐藤敏明(產品設計師)/古庄速人(自由作家)/松永大演(Car Styling總編輯)

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舊 02-02-16, 10:03 AM   #1162
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
Mysterious GT Info Screen Accompanies Acura ILX Racer

February 1st, 2016 by Kyle P.

As Gran Turismo fans clamour for the latest bits of news on 2016’s Gran Turismo Sport, the drag nets are cast ever wider, and the search can yield some unexpected results. Case in point: a mysterious Gran Turismo connection to an Acura ILX race car was found at last month’s Montreal Auto Salon, thanks to forum member @Zlork (Edit: the original image was posted by @Zalex on Facebook).
Two factory-backed ILX racers took part in the 25 Hours of Thunderhill last December, with the #28 car finishing 10th in class against purpose-built machinery such as the winning Flying Lizard R8 LMS. This car eschewed the Acura windshield banner of its sister car however, instead running with Gran Turismo scrawled across its top.
Windshield banners bearing the name of Polyphony’s series are hardly new, of course. In 2015 alone, one could spot it on competitors at the Pikes Peak International Hillclimb and the VLN Endurance series, among others. The banner, on its own, is not necessarily representative of a car or track’s inclusion in the series. Pikes Peak in particular has a long, unusual history with Gran Turismo, be it the track itself or certain record-setting cars. To wit, the ILX – in the same spec as the Thunderhill cars – was part of Acura’s 13-car assault on the hill last summer.
What marks the ILX endurance racer as unusual is an information screen presented alongside the #28 car. Front and centre is the GT logo, with “Spec Acura” and “Endurance Racer 2016” framing it.
Could this be part of a dedicated series in GT Sport? Or perhaps a new real-world spec series featuring the car, with Gran Turismo sponsorship? We’ve reached out to Honda for more information on the car, and the GT connection. Stay tuned for more details.

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舊 03-10-16, 08:32 PM   #1163
God of Gamer
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
Could Gran Turismo Sport Be Bumped to 2017?

March 10th, 2016 by Kyle P.

Gran Turismo Sport was first revealed almost four and a half months ago. Since then, Polyphony have remained tight-lipped on the PS4’s first Gran Turismo title, though morsels have slipped off the table to keep the fanbase hungry for new information. Shortly after the unveiling, Sony Europe CEO Jim Ryan announced his confidence in the game hitting its 2016 release target.
The exact timing of the public beta meant to preface the retail release has been the subject of fierce debate lately in our community, with Kazunori Yamauchi stating “early 2016” during the initial reveal, while the PlayStation blog simply said “Spring”. Now solidly into the third month of the year, with the equinox fast-approaching, gamers are anxious for more news. If one journalist is to be believed, we might be waiting a bit longer still.
Cyril Drevet is a French journalist that has met with Kazunori on numerous occasions, most recently at PD’s offices in Japan earlier in 2016. He even got to try the boss’ personal rig! In a podcast for Gameblog (which you can listen to in its entirety here, thanks queleuleu!), Cyril was asked about the game. After much humming and hawing on the subject of the release date, Drevet responds with “it’s complicated.”

Cyril mentions that “something” that is/was supposed to happen during March may no longer happen. From what he has seen, there is “a lot of work to be done,” adding that he is “not persuaded it will be out [by the end of the year].” When asked if the title will be more akin to a sort of ‘GT6 Plus’, Drevet has this to say:
“No, I’m quite sure it’s going to be a true GT7 – (correcting self) It’s not called that. But I’m quite sure that it’s really going to be dedicated to eSports because of the FIA partnership.”
Continuing on from the FIA mention, Drevet does mention a potential silver lining: with GT Sport thoroughly focused on the emerging eSports movement, its later release compared to erstwhile competitor Forza Motorsport 6 does highlight the different approaches of the two franchises.
Far from a random journalist, Drevet has a significant rapport with the Polyphony team. If he has these concerns after visiting the PD offices in January, what could that mean for the public beta of the game? The window for the originally announced Early/Spring 2016 is quickly closing, and it’s worth pointing out the PlayStation 4 is now further into its lifecycle than the PS3 was when GT5: Prologue launched.
We look forward to Polyphony releasing new information on the game, ideally to put these fears of a 2017 launch to rest.
Head on over to our GT Sport section to discuss this latest news, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
A big thank you to Sam for the translation help!

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See more on Gran Turismo Sport.

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舊 03-16-16, 12:16 PM   #1164
God of Gamer
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Bell & Ross to Reveal Aero GT Concept for Gran Turismo at Baselworld

If you thought the Vision Gran Turismo program had come to an end with what Bugatti conjured, think again. High-end French watch brand Bell & Ross have revealed their own stunning concept car that will fall into the VGT stable, and it goes by name of Aero GT.
Set to be revealed tomorrow at Baselworld in Basel, Switzerland, the trade show will showcase international watches and jewelry. Baselworld is the industry equivalent to E3 or the Geneva Motor Show, making tomorrow’s reveal a showpiece in and of itself, perhaps doubly so.
While it may seem out of place for a manufacturer not in the automotive industry to present a concept such as this one, it isn’t unheard of and has happened once before, with Nike designing the ONE 2022 that was featured in Gran Turismo 4.

Furthermore, Bell & Ross aren’t exactly strangers to the automotive world as they’re currently co-sponsoring the 2016 Renault RS16 Formula One car that’s set to hit the tarmac this weekend. The news originally dropped at French website TF1 (, which has proven to be a reliable source in the past by breaking the news on the Alpine VGT car last January.
The original article makes mention of the car being included in Gran Turismo 6, but the car is more likely to join the likes of the Hyundai, Bugatti, and the rest of the ensemble in the next GT title, presumably the upcoming Gran Turismo Sport.
Talk about unexpected. Head on over to our GT Sport section to discuss this latest news, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Credit to users queluelue and Yui-san for the tip and images, respectively.

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此篇文章於 03-16-16 12:20 PM 被 ALEX CHOW 編輯。
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舊 03-19-16, 12:55 AM   #1165
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舊 03-21-16, 12:33 PM   #1166
God of Gamer
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PSN  IDALEX_201225
New Aston Martin Could Be a Familiar Vision to Gran Turismo Players

March 20th, 2016 by Kyle P.

Big news out of Melbourne earlier this week: in the run-up to the 2016 F1 season, Red Bull Racing and Aston Martin announced a long-term partnership that will not only see the winged logo of Gaydon adorn the RB12’s of Ricciardo and Kvyat, but the two companies collaborating on a road car. Not just any road car, either: Adrian Newey, Red Bull’s CTO (and designer of 10 World Championship F1 cars), will be working closely with Aston designer Marek Reichman on a range-topping hypercar.
Codenamed “AM-RB 001”, the only image released thus far is the simple profile sketch seen above. Numerous keen-eyed Gran Turismo players have been quick to point out the similarities to Aston’s submission to the Vision Gran Turismo project, the DP-100. It certainly isn’t a stretch to compare the two:
Gaze upon RaY29rus‘ beautiful edited DP-100 shot, and you can pick out the similarities to the AM-RB 001 teaser.

Check out the long, graceful curve of the roofline. Note the abrupt, semi-floating front arches, and the powerful rear haunches. Look at the pinched lower bodywork, the dramatic removal of visual weight adding tension. The DP-100 was a harbinger of future Aston Martin design cues: the Vulcan track-only car borrowed the elaborate pin-like LED taillights, while the new DB11, launched earlier this month at the Geneva Motor Show, features a toned-down version of the Vision GT car’s roof rail design. Perhaps it was looking even further into the future than we might have first thought.
Red Bull’s involvement has important ties to Gran Turismo as well. Along with the Citroën GT, the Red Bull X-cars are arguably Vision Gran Turismo cars before the project was ever officially christened. The original X2010 was Newey’s digital, no-holds-barred answer to the question of what a racing car could be without the suffocating rules and regulations of modern racing. With roughly double the horsepower of contemporary F1 cars, a fan-powered ground effects package, and advanced aerodynamics, it was comfortably faster than anything else on the track.
The X2011, an evolution of the original project, as captured by JohnGazman.

Lap times are the subject of one of the project’s bolder claims, too. In an interview with Autocar, Aston CEO Andy Palmer set his sights right at the top of the board. “We’re saying it could be faster than an F1 car around Silverstone”, he said, before adding “We’re not commenting on the configuration beyond saying it is mid-engined and extraordinarily powerful.” This marks the first time a road-going Aston will place the engine behind the driver. Of course, the DP-100 was a midship design too…
Palmer talks of a legitimate cross-over of technology from F1 to the AM-RB 001 project, specifically about a KERS-style energy system. He’s also keen to stress that this is only the first fruits of this partnership, with items like carbon construction, batteries, and the afore-mentioned KERS system all in various levels of discussion.
The project has a planned 2018 on-the-road date, with a production run of “around 99 cars”.

F1 2024 加拿大站(06/07--06/09)!!!
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ALEX CHOW 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-03-16, 11:16 AM   #1167
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 19,314
PSN  IDALEX_201225
Red Bull X2014 1:18 Scale Model Car Now on Sale by AUTOart

April 2nd, 2016 by Matej

The latest post made by Polyphony Digital on Gran Turismo’s official website could attract some very dense toy car collector and enthusiast traffic. AUTOart, the popular die-cast model car manufacturer, has released a special 1:18 replica of the speedy Red Bull X2014 prototype!
The manufacturer ensured the replica follows the design of the video game unit right down to the tiniest details; AUTOart developed a special Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) compound to model the sharp edges of the body properly, while using diecast metal to form the base for solidity. The interior can be examined by opening the canopy. As you will see by looking at comparison photos in our gallery down below, the car has changed subtly from the previous X2010 iteration, and the toy car follows those changes faithfully.
AUTOart has collaborated with Polyphony Digital for quite some time; we’ve already had the opportunity to inspect the fruits of their relationship with the afore-mentioned Red Bull X2010 1:18 scale model, or one of the three Gran Turismo 5 Stealth models: the Mazda 787B, Mclaren F1, and Nissan GT-R GT500 all received the diecast treatment. That’s quite a portfolio, and a reason to keep your cupboard occupied with motorsport-themed objects.
The Red Bull X2014 1:18 scale model will be available in three paint options: Dark Silver Metallic, Hyper Silver, and the Red Bull livery. The model is currently available for purchase on AUTOart’s official website for $180. Have fun, and remember to handle with care!

F1 2024 加拿大站(06/07--06/09)!!!
FE 波特蘭
Jessica, TWICE, 宇宙少女, 請夏
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ALEX CHOW 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-29-17, 06:20 PM   #1168
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 8,163
《Gran Turismo 6》線上服務終止通知

PS3獨家遊戲《Gran Turismo 6》的線上功能將於2018年3月28日12:00 UTC終止服務。
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