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舊 11-13-12, 05:34 PM   #76
The One
註冊日期: Feb 2009
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XBox Live GamertagOrzAR8

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舊 11-13-12, 07:18 PM   #77
God of Gamer
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註冊日期: Apr 2002
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PSN  IDalone_wolf123
XBox Live Gamertagmoe magician
作者: whassupbun 查看文章
Hitman: Absolution "is a MESS" says PC Gamer Magazine Review, score 62/100

Key points of the review:
  • Art style is bad and bloom is overused
  • Story is terrible
  • Levels are, for the most part, very small
  • Objectives are usually to open a door, not to kill someone
  • PC port is bad with controls that tell you to "gently" press LMB. Performance is 15~fps on 2/3 review machines
  • No saving discourages exploration
  • Weapons do not carry over across missions
  • AI is bad
  • Game encourages you to kill guards, unlike other Hitman games
  • Most assassinations are cutscenes and in a lot of them 47 fails to kill the target, rendering all of your work pointless
  • Contracts mode is pretty decent

Full review 雜誌scan圖
咁大鑊, 呢期ac3已經覺得唔多掂架喇喎

│ 報仇 │
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雪舟等楊 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-13-12, 10:24 PM   #78
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2011
文章: 4,011
Sito 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-13-12, 11:21 PM   #79
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2010
文章: 4,189
PSN  IDwhassupbun
XBox Live Gamertagwhassupbun
一個review啫, 睇定D先, 其他都幾高分


OPM and OXM - 9/10 (very early review, grain of salt required)
Here [Hitman has] finally been perfected in what is probably a peak for the series so far. It takes the ideas that made the original games so great and presents them in a modern context of checkpoints, hints and forgiveness but without sacrificing any of the challenge, excitement or shivery-skinned thrill of pulling off some impossibly and beautifully planned hit.
GamesmasterUK - 90 %
- The game does not force you into any kind of gun battle outside of the tutorial. There are places where brute force is encourages, but can be avoided.
- There are Signature Kills that show more unique deaths and doing so will unlock extra abilities; like speedier movement and more accurate shooting abilities.
- The manual checkpointing system is broken; they neither save the NPC incapacity status, nor NPC positions. Everybody except killed targets are reset after checkpoint reload.
- There are no giant-sized levels like in the scale of a Beldingford Manor from the older games. Levels have been broken down into smaller, distinct chunks.
- Reviewer advises to bump up the difficulty to dial down instinct’s benefits a tad if you want to play like a true Hitman.
- The game’s scoring system was broken in one instance: they played a two part mission where they killed ten people in the first part, then entered the second part and noticed that nobody was suspicious of the earlier events. The then played the second part of the mission silently and earned a Silent Assassin rating.
- Other missions handle the scoring system much better, noted that there are so many built-in score-boosting challenges it will take hours to finish them.
- The campaign is huge with each containing hours of alternative kills, pick-ups and Easter eggs. On its own the campaign is a winner.
- The mode Contracts is a great inclusion to the series.
PC Games (German) - 88%
Best Hitman of all times - brilliant atmosphere, more variety and high replay value thanks to Contracts mode.
Game Informer - 8.75/10
Despite all of Absolution's improvements, Hitman still isn't for everyone. The pace remains slower and more methodical than most action games, and you'll find yourself reloading checkpoints countless times, in part because they are frustratingly tied to physical locations. If you take a different approach than what the developer had in mind, you may miss them completely. Attaining the rank of Silent Assassin still requires patience, skill, and more than a little trial and error. But while Hitman is slower than most games, it's also smarter. Devising a strategy to your advantage, and leaving before anyone knows you're there are the hallmarks of a perfect hit, and Absolution proves Agent 47 is still the gaming's premier hitman.
PC Gamer - 62/100
A passable stealth game, but one that betrays almost everything that, until now, has made Hitman great.
PSX Extreme (Polish) - 9/10

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PS5:【暗影火炬城】,【Aliens: Fireteam Elite】
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舊 11-14-12, 12:24 PM   #80
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 6,202
3DS Friend Code2363 6017 4707
PSN  IDultcth
XBox Live GamertagMontagueC

Montague 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-15-12, 07:03 PM   #81
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2010
文章: 4,189
PSN  IDwhassupbun
XBox Live Gamertagwhassupbun

玩家評價 from Hitman forum

I just played through Absolution at my friends house. I don't have enough time for a review right now, but let me give you some positives and negatives.
  • +Very challenging, in a good way. You have to think about your movements carefully.
  • +The levels are filled with, well, life. There are a lot of NPC conversations and other things that make the levels feel alive. There's no such thing as a "static" NPC in Absolution.
  • +The A.I is amazing. Best A.I in a game ever. I'm not exaggerating. They respond to almost every situation differently and behave very realistically. Like, if you throw an object and break a window, the A.I will freak out, advise HQ, and then check the area, instead of just walking over to the window and staring at it. The A.I communicates a lot and can recognize missing patrol partners.
  • +The combat is better than almost every third person shooter. The shooting is responsive and the weapons feel powerful. The A.I is very challenging too, flanking, taking cover, and blindfiring. When I started a massacre in KOCT, the SWAT team guys were flanking me and communicating with each other like a real team would.
  • +Instinct is more useful than you'd think. You have to use it carefully, but it's very powerful. I'd rather have instinct then backing out into a map when I wanted to see where NPC's are. It's so much more smooth and well integrated then some magical map.
  • +The sound effects are incredible.
  • +Magic Pockets/Inventory System are actually handled fairly well. You can only carry a limited amount of weapons, but you can also dual wield any two SMG's or Pistols. I love that feature!
  • +Some levels are huge. The R&D level, Fight Night, Streets of Hope, and Hunter and Hunted are particular standouts. There's definitely some of the old sandbox levels.
  • +The amount of NPC's changes with the difficulty. During the final level, if you start on easy difficulty, the level is filled with regular ICA troopers. However, if you play on harder levels, they get replaced with heavy ICA troopers who have full body armor.
  • +Attack of the Saints is freaking awesome. Best level in a Hitman game ever. I can't describe how awesome the level is without giving you guys too many spoilers. You just have to experience it yourself to appreciate how amazing it is.

I want to clarify one thing before I get to negatives. The PC Gamer guy who said that 60% of the levels are A to B is exaggerating. Maybe 60% of the checkpoints are A to B, but most of the levels overall have targets to kill. The first part of the Dexter Industries level is A to B with multiple paths of how to get there, but the second part is the actual facility with 3 targets and lots of alternate routes. I personally like that structure, as you feel like you're pushing forward towards an extremely heavily guarded compound.
  • -Some animation oddities. Like, holstering weapons and dragging bodies. I hoped IO would fix those before release, but apparently not.
  • -Some level sections in between checkpoints are disappointingly small. Some are huge, some are tiny. I wish that some of the smaller checkpoints could be combined into larger ones.
  • -The ending is a DLC setup. I don't know about you, but I would at least like more closure.
  • -Some targets don't have many accidental kills. The KOCT has a huge amount of accidents, but others don't have many. Maybe I'm not creative enough, I'll see when I get the game for real.
  • -The penultimate level is really freaking tough. It's the hardest level in a Hitman game so far, even more difficult then the caravan sniping mission from Hitman 2 (forget it's name). It's satisfying when you complete it, but dayuuuum. Not sure if this is a negative, but even on the easiest difficulty I had a ridiculous amount of failures.

Overall, I'll give the game a 9 out of 10. A fantastic game overall. There are a lot of changes in the level structure and other things from past games, most of them good, some of them bad. But if you can come to terms with some of the changes and understand why IO had to sacrifice the massive level sizes from past games, you'll think this is the best Hitman game so far. There are too many standout moments to count, and I found myself enjoying almost all parts of the game. I'm really tired right now and can't write a full review, but I still recommend it.
如果Ending果一點係真我就真係頂佢 要DLC補完的open ending

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PS5:【暗影火炬城】,【Aliens: Fireteam Elite】
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舊 11-15-12, 11:13 PM   #82
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2011
文章: 985
作者: whassupbun 查看文章

玩家評價 from Hitman forum

如果Ending果一點係真我就真係頂佢 要DLC補完的open ending
即係叫人買goty 版...
wir 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-16-12, 03:51 PM   #83
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 6,202
3DS Friend Code2363 6017 4707
PSN  IDultcth
XBox Live GamertagMontagueC

Montague 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-16-12, 03:54 PM   #84
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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PSN  IDhim927
作者: Montague 查看文章

HIM 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-16-12, 04:05 PM   #85
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2010
文章: 4,189
PSN  IDwhassupbun
XBox Live Gamertagwhassupbun
作者: HIM 查看文章
你唔貼我真係唔知, 一直睇美國官網/gaming網站都係列20號喎, PlaystationHK個網準唔準呢? 我一陣出去睇睇先! 希望有

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PS5:【暗影火炬城】,【Aliens: Fireteam Elite】
whassupbun 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-16-12, 05:12 PM   #86
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2010
文章: 4,189
PSN  IDwhassupbun
XBox Live Gamertagwhassupbun
真係出左, 不過我去果間暫時得PS3版, 歐版$358, 佢話琴日已經返左, 封面印住送30日PS+試用
香港行版$328入手, 連首次發行限定特典, 一個code包晒Agency Gun-Pack, High Tech Pack, High Roller Pack, Public Enemy Pack;
另外連埋一個code係外國預訂先有既Sniper Challenge Mode
最後就係一手copy必有既Contracts Pass Code, 其實即係online pass, 要用左先可以玩contract mode, contract mode比玩家自訂武器/暗殺目標/挑戰條件等等, 你可以自創一個任務或玩其他玩家自製既任務
所有code都喺盒入面, 唔怕比人拆開賣

Now Playing:
PS5:【暗影火炬城】,【Aliens: Fireteam Elite】
whassupbun 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-16-12, 06:29 PM   #87
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 6,202
3DS Friend Code2363 6017 4707
PSN  IDultcth
XBox Live GamertagMontagueC
作者: HIM 查看文章

Montague 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-16-12, 06:43 PM   #88
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2011
文章: 985
作者: whassupbun 查看文章
真係出左, 不過我去果間暫時得PS3版, 歐版$358, 佢話琴日已經返左, 封面印住送30日PS+試用
香港行版$328入手, 連首次發行限定特典, 一個code包晒Agency Gun-Pack, High Tech Pack, High Roller Pack, Public Enemy Pack;
另外連埋一個code係外國預訂先有既Sniper Challenge Mode
最後就係一手copy必有既Contracts Pass Code, 其實即係online pass, 要用左先可以玩contract mode, contract mode比玩家自訂武器/暗殺目標/挑戰條件等等, 你可以自創一個任務或玩其他玩家自製既任務
所有code都喺盒入面, 唔怕比人拆開賣

睇左個trophy list, 又係要有online pass 先白金到...


睇黎都係等goty 先買
wir 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-16-12, 07:07 PM   #89
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2011
文章: 360
$299入手 (PS3)

此篇文章於 11-16-12 07:19 PM 被 CCHander 編輯。
CCHander 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-16-12, 07:17 PM   #90
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2010
文章: 4,189
PSN  IDwhassupbun
XBox Live Gamertagwhassupbun
試玩左頭兩版, PC Gamer雜誌話佢濫用Bloom真係冇講錯, 剩係47個光頭都反晒十字光, 見到都笑左 換左件大廚既白衫制服直情反光到成個星矢咁

不過我又唔覺得好似佢個review咁講到多限制, 第一版係半教學, 都已經有好幾個方法比你完成任務, 第二版更加

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PS5:【暗影火炬城】,【Aliens: Fireteam Elite】
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舊 11-16-12, 11:54 PM   #91
Game Master
註冊日期: Aug 2008
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kakajit 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-17-12, 12:10 AM   #92
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2011
文章: 360
你地多唔多用instinct mode

此篇文章於 11-17-12 09:33 AM 被 CCHander 編輯。
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舊 11-17-12, 03:25 PM   #93
Game Master
註冊日期: Aug 2008
文章: 2,242
玩多左幾關 , 其實唔差 , 不過上面有REVIEW話A to B 的確係有 ,
而今集好似多左變左避人/潛入暗殺為主 , 希望多D好似上集咁O既玩法
但始終無得即時SAVE 少左好多玩野O既地方 , 一LOAD CHECK POINT就所有人RESET位置了
kakajit 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-17-12, 03:47 PM   #94
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2006
文章: 876
依家睇完REVIEW....... 玩埋刺客先再諗都未遲~
19909696 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-17-12, 04:53 PM   #95
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2011
文章: 360
作者: 19909696 查看文章
依家睇完REVIEW....... 玩埋刺客先再諗都未遲~
CCHander 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-17-12, 07:12 PM   #96
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2006
文章: 876
作者: CCHander 查看文章
刺客都係一貫作風, 唔覺有咩大變動
19909696 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-18-12, 01:00 AM   #97
Game Master
註冊日期: Aug 2008
文章: 2,242
其實今集好多關用左黎交代劇情 , 所以果種比個場你殺幾個目標果D MISSION 反而隔疏左 ,
我唔中意今集除左玩CHECK POINT外 , 就係無得改鎗
kakajit 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-18-12, 12:47 PM   #98
God of Gamer
●  ω  ●
註冊日期: Apr 2002
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PSN  IDalone_wolf123
XBox Live Gamertagmoe magician
作者: kakajit 查看文章
玩多左幾關 , 其實唔差 , 不過上面有REVIEW話A to B 的確係有 ,
而今集好似多左變左避人/潛入暗殺為主 , 希望多D好似上集咁O既玩法
但始終無得即時SAVE 少左好多玩野O既地方 , 一LOAD CHECK POINT就所有人RESET位置了

│ 報仇 │
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雪舟等楊 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-18-12, 01:32 PM   #99
The One
註冊日期: Feb 2009
文章: 22,813
XBox Live GamertagOrzAR8

Sar8 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-18-12, 04:02 PM   #100
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2011
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3DS Friend Code1891 1135 7643
PSN  IDshodanng
XBox Live Gamertagdanng360
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