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舊 10-12-05, 07:23 AM   #26
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
NBA Live 06 - X05 Cam Gameplay HD

NBA Live 06 - X05 Cam Gameplay

NBA Live 06: Hands-On
More impressions after X05.

by Charles Onyett

October 10, 2005 - We just brought you some updated impression of NBA Live 06 for the 360 last week from X05 in Amsterdam, yet we again had the chance to go hands on with the title. Unfortunately, this was actually the exact same build we saw from X05. After spending some time with it, I can report that the players look and move exactly the same as they did before, which, depending on your taste, can be good or bad.

The debate surrounding NBA Live is, of course, if it's better than NBA 2K6. In the absence of anything really new to tell of Live, we'll indulge ourselves in a little bit of a comparison. Keep in mind, neither Live nor 2K6 are finished at this point, so anything could change. As of right now, they are still both considered launch titles.

Live's graphics are without a doubt impressive. Two things are immediately noticeable. First, the sweat trails. Unlike the more beaded sweat in 2K6, Live's sweat actually pools and runs down in little rivulets. Overall it looks highly realistic. The second thing you'll notice is the player hair. Especially with Steve Nash, you'll see that individual strands move and flow realistically based on which direction the players are moving.

Another thing I noticed was that the player jerseys look like molded clay. While you can see individual threads in the jerseys when you zoom in, you don't get a good sense that they're moving around independently of the player's body. Also, some of the players' eyes look unnatural to the point where it seems like they're missing their eyelids. The players running around the courts can sometime look a little awkward and stilted, especially when transitioning from running to passing. However, many of these things could very well be worked out before the game releases at launch.

One issue that will not be resolved is the lack of gameplay modes. NBA Live is going to feature a single season mode. In addition, you'll get the option to create a player and bring your game online over Xbox Live. According to what we've been told, it takes time to implement gameplay modes, and EA just wanted to be sure they got everything right with this version in terms of visuals before jamming in more play modes. Next year's Live is said to have many more gameplay modes than this year. We'll have more when we get our hands on some new gameplay or hear some new info.

If you're interested in this game, be sure to add it to your wishlist. You can keep notes, rank games, get updates by email, and more.
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舊 10-13-05, 11:59 AM   #27
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
NBA Live 06
Platform: Xbox 360
EA Sports, EA Canada
Genre: Basketball Sim
Release Date: Nov 22, 2005
Release Region: North America

X05: NBA Live 06 Hands-On
NBA Live for the Xbox 360 certainly looks different. But does it play differently?

AMSTERDAM--NBA Live for the Xbox 360 simply looks like a next-generation game. That's the best way we can explain it. After spending some time with the hoops game at Microsoft's annual press event, we're impressed with the developer's commitment to really trying something new with the look and feel of the game. But is the change indicative of the entire game, or just its surface aspects? Let's take a hands-on look.

It's tough to start anywhere else in NBA Live for the 360 other than the main menu screen. That's because it doesn't look anything like the menu screen we're used to. For one thing, it's remarkably clean and modern-looking. For another, there's a basketball player standing there holding a ball and looking up at the hoop. If you move the thumbstick, the player moves. And if you press the shoot button, he goes up for a J. Wait a minute! We're in the main menu. We're not supposed to be playing in a shootaround. Should another player come by and grab a second controller, he or she can jump into this game-within-a-game with you, and the pair of you can enjoy a quick game of one-on-one, well before having made any game choices. Even better, should you go ahead and decide to play a traditional exhibition game or head to season mode, the one-on-one continues as the game is loading the mode. Interactive load screens... We suspect this might become a new standard in sports gaming in the years to come.

Once you're in the more traditional five-on-five game for the first time, you'll likely be struck by the quality of the player models, especially the skin textures, which look excellent across the board. Blemishes show up clearly, and tats are well in view as well. From the moment the ball tips off, it seems like every player is sweating profusely as well, in keeping with the next generation's sports gaming effect du jour. We weren't sure if it was a side effect of the TV we were playing on or the arena in which our game took place, but the lighting, as a whole, seemed a tad too dark for our tastes. Still, it didn't take from the overall quality look of the players, as subtle depth-of-field tricks--while not as ostentatious as those found in NBA 2K6--still add a sense of space to the game.

Other things we noticed about gameplay include the fact that the default camera angle we played at was strange, and a vertical view of the court seemed fairly far removed from the action on the court when playing on the far side. Also the tempo was set to a decidedly slower pace than what we are used to from the Live series. Whether this was due to game frame-rate problems or a deliberate choice by the designers is unclear. Nonetheless, the game felt set at a much more measured speed, one that didn't lend the kind of breakaway speed you expected when trying to get up-court quickly or when you had a fast break.

While the presentation elements certainly are slick, the game still feels a lot like old NBA Live games (particularly last year's game). The biggest reason for this is the lack of freestyle superstar controls that were a centerpiece of Live on the PlayStation 2 and Xbox. Like other options in the game, such as franchise mode and the skills challenge, freestyle superstar controls were stripped out, and the result is a game that plays a lot like older entries in the series. On the plus side, the game does feature a season mode and the ability to call plays using the directional pad when on the floor. Unlike the Madden series for the 360, which has done away with Madden and Michaels (for the time being at least), the commentary team of Marv Albert and Steve Kerr returns to the game, and it seems to be in full effect in Live.

From a presentational standpoint, NBA Live for the Xbox 360 may be one of the most drastically changed games in a long-running series that's making an appearance on the console. It seems that the cost of those changes, however, may result in a game that plays more like versions of old, rather than playing like something entirely new. We'll have more on NBA Live 06 for the Xbox 360 as we get closer to the game's release date.

By Brian Ekberg
Posted Oct 5, 2005 10:10 am PT
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舊 10-13-05, 06:51 PM   #28
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
X05: Hot, Sweaty Men (Off-Screen) (10/12/2005)
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舊 10-15-05, 01:02 PM   #29
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
NBA Live 06 - Trailer 2 HD

NBA Live 06 - Trailer 2
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舊 10-20-05, 10:58 AM   #30
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,240
Beyond the Arc
Three exclusive new screens of NBA Live 360.

neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-26-05, 06:56 AM   #31
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 10-27-05, 11:09 AM   #32
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
NBA Live 06 - Trailer 3
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舊 11-04-05, 10:57 PM   #33
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
NBA Live 360: A Closer Look
We get our hands on the latest build.

by Jon Robinson

NBA LIVE 06日版預定06年1月19日發售,7140yen
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舊 11-12-05, 06:15 PM   #35
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 11-17-05, 10:42 PM   #36
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898 Reviews: 7.5

by Matt Leone 11/17/2005

We came oh-so-close to scoring NBA Live 360 the same as we scored NBA 2K6 360. As we noted in 2K6's review, the two take extremely different approaches to a next-gen basketball game, and each tends to succeed where the other fails. Because of this, it should be a very easy decision to decide which game you want to buy. But for us, that game is NBA Live.
The key to why we've chosen Live lies in the emotion present throughout the game. This comes in everything from the stunning visuals (that are a significant step forward over 2K6's), to the excitement in the crowd when they react to what's going on in the game, to the new animations and the excellent post-up maneuvers. When you start up a game, you feel like you are playing something new and exciting, and something closer to a real NBA match-up than we've ever seen in a video game.

The interface is perhaps the best example of this new approach, as it hits you over the head five seconds after you turn on the game that this is something different -- you're thrown into an empty court where you can run around and shoot around for however long you want while waiting for a friend or practicing a maneuver. You can even play one-on-one in this setting and a scoreboard will keep track of how many points each player has. Though it would have been nice to incorporate more to do here than just counting the points and an Easter Egg where you can make the players appear tiny (games like Horse and Knockout would be perfect in this setting), the way it is set up now is so much better the traditional menu selections we've seen in the past that it's tough to go back.

You also notice in that lobby area something that holds true through the rest of the game: Live lives and dies with its animations. At their best, they look amazing. When you use the better players in the game -- say, when using one of the All-Star teams -- and see how fluid each of the individual animations looks, at times it feels like you are watching a real game. But at their worst, the player moves often have trouble linking together. For instance, you'll see a great pump fake and the beginning of a wide open jumper, but then when the game transitions from your jump to your actual shot, it stutters a bit.

And though animation may seem like just a visual aspect, the roughness of these bad transitions interrupts the flow of the game. When you see an awkward-looking jump shot like the one mentioned above, it every now and then takes you out of the game and makes you feel your "touch" is off when it really isn't.

The animations are a give and take, though, because when you are in the paint posting up, and then perform a spin move into a dunk, it works beautifully. The animations that are in the game are amazing -- there just aren't enough of them. In fact, working the post in general is done extremely well in Live. You get a great sense of how well your positioning is on the defender and the offensive and defensive moves for these situations work equally well.

Of course, sometimes you may not want to play a post game if your luck with free throws is as bad as ours. The free throw system in Live is one of its worst attributes. Somewhat similar to the setup in 2K6, to shoot you pull down on the right analog stick and then push forward to release (in 2K6, you let go instead of pushing forward). But because the game doesn't offer any kind of feedback to show you what you are doing wrong, it becomes extremely difficult to hit shots reliably. It's no exaggeration to say we've hit about one in every 10-15 shots we've taken. If it turns out there's a trick that makes free throws much easier, we're all for it, but the game should give some kind of indication of how to shoot these shots without letting you sit there trying random things over and over to see if any of them work.

Another issue with Live 360 is that it's missing certain features that are available in both 2K6 and the PS2/Xbox versions of Live. While something like the franchise mode always seemed more applicable to the 2K series anyway because of that game's more sim-like approach, features like the dunk contest would have taken Live to the next level, so it's a shame to see those go missing.

So in short, Live 360 has more flaws than 2K6 360. Fact. But it also is far more ambitious and is the first game in a long time to take large steps towards making basketball games as a whole better. There's nothing at all safe about this game, and as a result the finished product is raw, unpolished and lacking depth -- but it's also one of the most "next-gen" and exciting games you can play right now on 360. Live 360 is something new and feels like what you should be getting when you buy a next-gen game. Once this game gets polished over the next few years, it's scary how good it could be.

此篇文章於 11-17-05 10:45 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 11-18-05, 01:16 PM   #37
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
IGN's Ratings for NBA Live 06 (X360)
Rating Description out of 10 click here for ratings guide

9.0 Presentation
Playable loading screen is the highlight of the game. Unfortunately, the game eventually loads.
8.5 Graphics
Amazing player models who drip sweat. It's the closest you can get to watching Jason Kidd take a shower.
9.0 Sound
The crowd comes alive after big plays, and the team of Kerr and Marv call a nice game.
6.0 Gameplay
Think Live 2005 with better player models. The loss of Superstar moves really takes the game back a notch.
3.0 Lasting Appeal
No All-Star Weekend, no Dynasty mode, no Superstar moves, limited online play and gameplay far less appealing than its competitor, NBA 2K6. There's not much here to keep you coming back for more.
5.9 Mediocre OVERALL(out of 10 / not an average)

Closing Comments
You should expect more from a next gen game, not less. Unfortunately, NBA Live is as shallow a basketball game you will find this year. Less features for more money, what a deal! Sure, it looks like a top prospect, then again, so did Kwame Brown and you see how that turned out.
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