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Bahamut 30 22.39%
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Tiamat 1 0.75%
Titan 28 20.90%
Tonberry 4 2.99%
Alexander 1 0.75%
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Hades 0 0%
Aegis 57 42.54%
Durandal 0 0%
Gungnir 1 0.75%
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okabe 11:36 AM 09-15-13
1. okabe- okabe kirito
2. keijoey-Meruru Smile
3. 佐佐木莊尼- Icecream Sandwich
4. Tamama- Tony Stark
5. tomhk-tung mocheong
6.代官- Dai Ika
7. carloslee -Carlos car
8.G4_ - Jessie Michael
9.frankiechung - Hiro Plus

黑澤夜 12:36 PM 09-15-13
1. okabe- okabe kirito
2. keijoey-Meruru Smile
3. 佐佐木莊尼- Icecream Sandwich
4. Tamama- Tony Stark
5. tomhk-tung mocheong
6.代官- Dai Ika
7. carloslee -Carlos car
8. 黑澤夜 - Lucifer . Jan


1. 斯羅 - Folka Albark
2. Eking - Saika Eking
3. 小嘉 - Raido Maxwell
4. holesty - Sin Swivel
5. GN00508771- Lee Sakuya
6. 大懶財 - Jacky Sin
7.edge - Asuna Athena
yuhchan5 01:13 PM 09-15-13
1. okabe- okabe kirito
2. keijoey-Meruru Smile
3. 佐佐木莊尼- Icecream Sandwich
4. Tamama- Tony Stark
5. tomhk-tung mocheong
6.代官- Dai Ika
7. carloslee -Carlos car
8. 黑澤夜 - Lucifer . Jan


1. 斯羅 - Folka Albark
2. Eking - Saika Eking
3. 小嘉 - Raido Maxwell
4. holesty - Sin Swivel
5. GN00508771- Lee Sakuya
6. 大懶財 - Jacky Sin
7.edge - Asuna Athena
8.yuhchan5 - Martin Chan
黑澤夜 02:00 PM 09-15-13
點樣打軍票先最快 ? 有冇d 比頭 post 更快既方法 ?
waitwait 02:23 PM 09-15-13
1. okabe- okabe kirito
2. keijoey-Meruru Smile
3. 佐佐木莊尼- Icecream Sandwich
4. Tamama- Tony Stark
5. tomhk-tung mocheong
6.代官- Dai Ika
7. carloslee -Carlos car
8. 黑澤夜 - Lucifer . Jan


1. 斯羅 - Folka Albark
2. Eking - Saika Eking
3. 小嘉 - Raido Maxwell
4. holesty - Sin Swivel
5. GN00508771- Lee Sakuya
6. 大懶財 - Jacky Sin
7.edge - Asuna Athena
8.yuhchan5 - Martin Chan
9.waitwait - Chris Sinika
okabe 02:24 PM 09-15-13
Bahamut - GAF LS

1. okabe- okabe kirito
2. keijoey-Meruru Smile
3. 佐佐木莊尼- Icecream Sandwich
4. Tamama- Tony Stark
5. tomhk-tung mocheong
6.代官- Dai Ika
7. carloslee -Carlos car
8.G4_ - Jessie Michael
9.frankiechung - Hiro Plus
10 黑澤夜 -Jan Lucifer


1. 斯羅 - Folka Albark
2. Eking - Saika Eking
3. 小嘉 - Raido Maxwell
4. holesty - Sin Swivel
5. GN00508771- Lee Sakuya
6. 大懶財 - Jacky Sin
7.edge - Asuna Athena
8.yuhchan5 - Martin Chan
9.waitwait - Chris Sinika
yuhchan5 04:41 PM 09-15-13
我已經打完lord of the inferno,點解都加入唔到grand company?又冇曬主線任務?
okabe 05:15 PM 09-15-13
作者: yuhchan5:
我已經打完lord of the inferno,點解都加入唔到grand company?又冇曬主線任務?
tsubuma 09:17 PM 09-15-13
LV28 名門屋敷的迷宫, 難玩嗎>?
做劍術士要注意D乜>>? 之後的迷宫好似好難
後悔做劍術士呢, 仲玩到LV29
Eking 09:49 PM 09-15-13
okabe 10:45 PM 09-15-13
作者: tsubuma:
LV28 名門屋敷的迷宫, 難玩嗎>?
做劍術士要注意D乜>>? 之後的迷宫好似好難
後悔做劍術士呢, 仲玩到LV29
tsubuma 10:55 PM 09-15-13
Totally agree
Eking 10:56 PM 09-15-13
玩dd重慘,去到後期坦hp高容錯大左,反而dd食ae or 打add打得唔好重大鑊
佐佐木莊尼 10:57 PM 09-15-13
作者: :
現在、ファイナルファンタジーXIV: 新生エオルゼアにおきまして、Bahamutワールドを利用できない障害が発生しております。調査・復旧作業を実施しておりますので、いましばらくお待ちくださいますようお願いいたします。



日 時:2013年9月15日(日) 23:33頃より


対 象:Bahamutワールドをご利用のお客様
Bahamut, 被巨獸ベヒモス 擊沉
Gustavi 09:30 AM 09-16-13
Bahamut - GAF LS

1. okabe- okabe kirito
2. keijoey-Meruru Smile
3. 佐佐木莊尼- Icecream Sandwich
4. Tamama- Tony Stark
5. tomhk-tung mocheong
6.代官- Dai Ika
7. carloslee -Carlos car
8.G4_ - Jessie Michael
9.frankiechung - Hiro Plus
10 黑澤夜 -Jan Lucifer


1. 斯羅 - Folka Albark
2. Eking - Saika Eking
3. 小嘉 - Raido Maxwell
4. holesty - Sin Swivel
5. GN00508771- Lee Sakuya
6. 大懶財 - Jacky Sin
7.edge - Asuna Athena
8. westpat - westpat hate
9. tallken - Red Thunder
10.yuhchan5 - Martin Chan
11.waitwait - Chris Sinika
12. Gustavi - Gustavi Shulk
NexTony 10:14 AM 09-16-13
其實個個崗位都好重要既, HEALER仲陰公啦

hydefai 11:28 AM 09-16-13
作者: NexTony:
其實個個崗位都好重要既, HEALER仲陰公啦

Healer 真係忙架...
又要幫手sleep 怪.
focus bar, party list, 仇恨值 乜都要望.
又要睇住幾時有大damage cast 定女神之加護同Medica....
佐佐木莊尼 11:32 AM 09-16-13
個個 position 玩得差都可以累街坊

- 要 mark target, 帶路, 拉怪時小心 patrol, 確保係一 pack 一 pack 咁打
- 記得 tank boss 時隻 boss 要背向隊友, 跟住企定, 除非避 aoe
- hold 實 aggro, 唔好甩
- 有野走左去打 healer 要去救佢

- 個人覺得忙到嘔泡, 連戰會玩到神經衰弱 , 特別係當你有 D 唔識避彈的隊友, 或者一隻玻璃 tank 時 ........
- heal 還 heal, 唔好 over heal. 要節省 MP 同小心不要累積太多 hate
- 冇咒術士跟隊, 要做埋 sleep o個份
- 睇情況用 ケアル ケアルラ メディカ エスナ 同幾個 cooldown 技. 學者冇研究過唔知.
- 通常係最豆腐o個個. boss d aoe 一下都唔中得. 唔該全彈回避

- 最, 最, 最重要係真係做到高 damage output. 殺唔到野的 dps -> 拉長戰鬥時間 -> 浪費 healer mp, 也浪費 90 分鐘 timer. 玩格鬥, 咒術一類較高難度 dps 者更甚.
- 大輸出之餘要小心 hate, 不要搶 tank aggro
- 避 aoe
- 咒術做埋 sleep
- 詩人記得睇情況唱歌
keijoey 12:12 PM 09-16-13

習慣左做healer就一世healer架喇, 返唔到轉頭
holsety 12:32 PM 09-16-13
我宜家都唔mark 怪, 因為mark得馒,可能之後要改下習慣
不過黑魔sleep怪先好似好d, 之前有場黑魔控場mark怪, sleep外的怪, dd tank先打
布甸 01:19 PM 09-16-13
我玩緊斧,lv20,第一次入 dungeon 時,
完全唔識點玩(傻傻地用 FF11 既方法玩 lol)
攪到o的怪滿場飛... 好彩幾個 fd 經驗多,
無滅團... 之後個 fd 教一野衝入去,
再 area attack 加 hate,之後兩次都玩得順左好多,
但係如果 pop 怪我就會手忙腳亂,

同埋 PS3 cross bar 真係太少.. hot key 唔夠放...
雖然可以轉頁,但有時忙起上黎真係轉唔切/轉錯... lol
Eking 01:19 PM 09-16-13
用macro set atk target 同 基本招, 唔一定所有怪都要mark, 自身打一定要mark, 開場一定ae tank左先就包冇衰~

Final Fantasy XIV Macro Guide

Glossary of Text Commands

Command Description
/say (/s) [message] Sends a message to all PCs within a small radius.
Typing /say or /s without a message switches the default chat mode to [Say].
/yell (/y) [message] Sends a message to all PCs within a radius larger than /say but smaller than /shout.
Typing /yell or /y without a message switches the default chat mode to [Say].
/shout (/sh) [message] Sends a message to all PCs in the same area.
The message will not be displayed if a PC has deselected [Shout] in the chat filter.
/party (/p) [message] Sends a message to all members of your current party, regardless of their location.
Typing /party or /p without a message switches the default chat mode to [Party].
/linkshell (/l) [message] Sends a message to all members of your active linkshell, regardless of their location.


Typing /linkshell or /l without a message switches the default chat mode to [Linkshell].
/freecompany (/fc) Sends a message to all members of your free company, regardless of their location.
Typing /freecomopany or /fc without a message switches the default chat mode to [FreeCompany].
/echo (/e) [message] Displays a message that only you can see.
/partycmd (/pcmd) [subcommand] Executes various party commands. Opens your party members display when no subcommand is specified.

add “PC name” – Invite a PC to your party.
leave – Leave your current party.
leader “PC name” – Pass leadership to a PC in your party.
kick “PC name” – Remove a PC from your party.
breakup – Dissolve your current party.
/invite "PC name" Invites the specified PC to your party. Invites current target when not specified.
/kick "PC name" Removes the specified PC from your party. Removes current target when not specified.
/leader "PC name" Passes leadership to the specified PC. Passes leadership to current target when not specified.
/leave Leave your current party.
/join Accepts a party invite.
/decline /decline
Declines a party invite.
/friendlist  (/flist) [subcommand] Executes various Friend List commands. Opens your friend list when no subcommand is specified.

add “PC name” – Send a PC a friend request.
accept “PC name” – Accept a friend request from a PC.
deny “PC name” – Deny a friend request from a PC.
remove “PC name” – Remove a PC from your friend list.
/blacklist (/blist) [subcommand] Executes various blacklist commands. Opens your blacklist when no subcommand is specified.
add “PC name” – Add a PC to your blacklist.
remove “PC name” – Remove a PC from your blacklist.
/? [command_name] Gives a detailed explanation of specified command. Abbreviations can be used.
* All command names must be one word or in quotation marks.
/wait [wait time] A macro command for adjusting the pause between commands.
A wait time amount of 1 equals one second.
The maximum wait time allowed is 60.
If the wait time amount is over 60, it will be counted as 0.
/logout Log out and return to the title screen.
/shutdown Log out and close the game.
/map Opens the current area map.
/check (/c) “PC name” (placeholder) Examines the specified target. Examines current target when not specified.
/huntinglog(/hlog) View the hunting log.
/craftinglog(/clog) View the crafting log.
/gatheringlog(/glog) View the gathering log.
/trade Initiates a trade with your current target.
/return Return to your current home point.
/action (/ac) “action name” “PC name” Uses an action on specified target. Uses current target when not specified.

This cannot be used with actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors.
/battlemode (/bm) [subcommand] Toggle between active and passive mode. Switches to opposite mode when no subcommand is specified.
On – Draw weapon.
Off – Sheathe weapon.
/marking (/mk) [target type] “PC name” (placeholder) Set a sign on the specified target. Uses current target when not specified.
>>Target types:

off (Turns off enemy sign.)
/marking attack1 (Sets sign “Target to Attack 1” on current target.)
/target (/ta) “PC name” (placeholder) Targets the specified target.
Target must be within range for this command to function.
/targetnpc (/tnpc) Targets the closest NPC within a certain radius.
/targetenemy (/tenemy) Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius.
/battletarget (/bt) Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius that is attacking you.
/assist (/as) Targets the target of another PC or NPC. (A target must be specified.) Assists current target when not specified.
/facetarget (/ft) Immediately turns your PC in the direction of your current target.
/automove Turn on/off auto-run.
/recast Displays time remaining until the specified action can be used again.
/loot Opens the loot list.
/sit (/lounge) Assume a sitting position or rise from it. Certain emotes have special sitting equivalents. Also sits your character in a chair if one is nearby.
/follow Follow a targeted player.
/legacymark (/lmark) [subcommand] Show or hide the mark of the Twelve—a brand appearing on the back of the neck of all who survived the Calamity.
On - Show mark
Off - Hide mark
/gcsalute [subcommand] Perform the official salute of the Grand Company to which you belong.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/pray [subcommand] Offer solemn words of prayer to the Twelve.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/straightface [subcommand] Restore your facial expression to a neutral state.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/smile [subcommand] Smile.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/grin [subcommand] Beam with delight.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/smirk [subcommand] Smirk.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/taunt [subcommand] Put on a taunting grin.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/shuteyes [subcommand] Shut your eyes.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/sad [subcommand] Frown.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/scared [subcommand] Stare in fear.

motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/amazed [subcommand] Stare in awe.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/ouch [subcommand] Cringe in pain.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/annoyed [subcommand] Furrow your brow.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/aler [subcommand] Sense something amiss.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.
/worried [subcommand] Appear worried.
motion - Perform motion only
Both text and motion will be displayed when no subcommand is specified.


Displays current target name.
Displays target of current target’s name.
Displays your character’s name.
<0> Displays your character’s name.
<1>~<8> Display Party Member 1-8's name. 
Displays Target to Attack 1–5’s name.
Displays Target to Bind 1–3’s name.
Displays Target to Stop 1–2’s name.
Displays target marked with a square’s name.
Displays target marked with a circle’s name.
Displays target marked with a cross’s name.
, Displays mouseover target’s name.
Displays current HP and maximum HP.
Displays current HP as a percentage.
Displays current MP and maximum MP.
Displays current MP as a percentage.
Displays current TP.
, Displays current class and level.
Displays coordinates of current location.
holsety 01:21 PM 09-16-13
作者: GN00508771:
你online時 /tell sin swivel , 找我吧
Eking 01:28 PM 09-16-13
作者: 布甸:
我玩緊斧,lv20,第一次入 dungeon 時,
完全唔識點玩(傻傻地用 FF11 既方法玩 lol)
攪到o的怪滿場飛... 好彩幾個 fd 經驗多,
無滅團... 之後個 fd 教一野衝入去,
再 area attack 加 hate,之後兩次都玩得順左好多,
但係如果 pop 怪我就會手忙腳亂,

同埋 PS3 cross bar 真係太少.. hot key 唔夠放...
雖然可以轉頁,但有時忙起上黎真係轉唔切/轉錯... lol
hoykey bar 有8行, 用r1 可以loop or 用 r1 + 制轉~
field11 02:18 PM 09-16-13
Bahamut - GAF LS

1. okabe- okabe kirito
2. keijoey-Meruru Smile
3. 佐佐木莊尼- Icecream Sandwich
4. Tamama- Tony Stark
5. tomhk-tung mocheong
6.代官- Dai Ika
7. carloslee -Carlos car
8.G4_ - Jessie Michael
9.frankiechung - Hiro Plus
10 黑澤夜 -Jan Lucifer
11. field11 - Fiel Dar


1. 斯羅 - Folka Albark
2. Eking - Saika Eking
3. 小嘉 - Raido Maxwell
4. holesty - Sin Swivel
5. GN00508771- Lee Sakuya
6. 大懶財 - Jacky Sin
7.edge - Asuna Athena
8. westpat - westpat hate
9. tallken - Red Thunder
10.yuhchan5 - Martin Chan
11.waitwait - Chris Sinika
12. Gustavi - Gustavi Shulk

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