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舊 05-12-06, 12:41 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Star Wars: Force Unleashed

Star Wars 2007 (working title)
Publisher: LucasArts
Developer: LucasArts
Release Date: TBA

E3 06: Star Wars 2007 Tech Demo Impressions
It isn't a game yet, but the Force is still strong with this one. We get a look at a technical demonstration showing LucasArts' next-gen direction with the Star Wars series.

By Brad Shoemaker, GameSpot
Posted May 11, 2006 6:50 pm PT

LOS ANGELES--LucasArts has already demonstrated with its publicly announced next-gen Indiana Jones game that it wants to employ innovative underlying technology, not just innovative graphics, in its next-generation games, and it reinforced that commitment today when we got a look behind closed doors at its next Star Wars game, due out next year on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Or at least, we got to see an interactive tech demo showing off some of the forward-looking technology that the company will be using to bring the Force to life in radically explosive new ways. Lucas reps wouldn't commit to the nature of the game at this early date, but they indicated plans to bring the Force to life in radically explosive new ways.

From what we could tell, that translates into using physics and material systems to break a bunch of stuff. The next Star Wars game will use two pieces of technology LucasArts has developed in conjunction with third parties, called Euphoria and "digital molecular matter." The former is an environmental awareness system that will let AI characters interact in ways like dynamically grabbing onto a ledge when falling. The latter simulates a wide range of materials realistically, which is a lot more impressive than it sounds. But let us explain.

The demo program was set in a "Star Wars natural history museum" where the player could fly around to various little demo kiosks made out of different materials. There were a couple of big wooden boards, one glass tactical layout showing the Death Star, a statue of a Jedi, and a life-size Jar Jar encased in carbonite (yes!). The player could throw whiny little R2 units at whatever material was there to see how it would behave, and then watch it break or fall over in a wholly realistic fashion. The wood board splintered differently every time, as did the glass break. The statue was actually made out of granite, while its base was a brittle crystalline material, and throwing an R2 unit at the statue would knock it from its base relatively unharmed, while launching one at the crystal would shatter the base. Lastly, the player hurled R2s at the Jar Jar piece, which was currently set to "metallic," and we watched it dent realistically. The material properties for that object were then changed on the fly to a jelly-like substance, and it immediately sagged under its own weight and stretched around just like you'd expect. This stuff is more easily appreciated in person, but trust us, it looked really cool.

Next up was a gargantuan rancor skeleton, in the fashion of any good natural history museum's dinosaur skeletons. We saw how the skeleton would break apart at the joints when impacted, even taking down some obelisks scattered around its base. Above the skeleton was a framework of wooden beams, and it was here that we saw the second component, Euphoria, demonstrated. The player began to throw stormtroopers at the beams, and their innate environmental awareness caused them to grab on and hang with one hand, or two hands, or not at all. It was all totally random, according to Lucas reps, and the effect looked pretty convincing to us. After enough of the troops caught onto the beam, it began to bow in the middle under their weight and finally snapped in two, sending splinters and stormtroopers plummeting downward.

Finally, the demo driver took us out into an early environment from the actual game, which was set on the Episode III planet of Falucia. The gigantic pieces of fungus stretching up from the ground had a rubbery quality to them, as a number of hurled R2 units proved, and they bounced and swayed back and forth with very convincing realism. This section also gave Lucas reps a chance to demonstrate one of the fruits of their recent collaborative relationship with premiere special effects house Industrial Light & Magic. The developers of the new Star Wars game have adapted ILM's dynamic level-of-detail system to eliminate the unseemly pop-in effect that occurs when higher- or lower-detail models are swapped in as your distance from an object decreases or increases. This is accomplished by dynamically generating more or less geometry in real time, rather than swapping static models, which we got to see in action when the object was switched to a wireframe view.

Finally, we saw a CG concept trailer that indicated the direction LucasArts wants to go with this new game. The footage showed a number of unnamed Jedi characters essentially obliterating groups of stormtroopers and the environments around them with Force powers, sundering the ground and nearby objects and sending the bodies flying with mere thought. It looks like the developers have a lot of the tools in place that they need to make this sort of gameplay a reality, so we'll look forward to seeing if they can acutally make it happen when more of this new Star Wars game is shown in the coming months.


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舊 05-24-06, 05:13 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Star Wars: Force Unleashed
Publisher: Lucasarts Entertainment
Developer: LucasArts
Platform: PS3
Category: Action

正式名稱Star Wars: Force Unleashed!?
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舊 05-24-06, 05:25 PM   #3
God of Gamer
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作者: 神祕人1號
Star Wars: Force Unleashed
Publisher: Lucasarts Entertainment
Developer: LucasArts
Platform: PS3
Category: Action

正式名稱Star Wars: Force Unleashed!?
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-24-06, 07:21 PM   #4
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舊 05-26-06, 10:33 AM   #5
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舊 05-26-06, 02:14 PM   #6
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仲有班bounty hunter,唔通係empire strike back只出過一鏡既一眾bounty hunter?(起碼有隻zuckuss响度)


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舊 07-22-06, 08:56 PM   #7
Crazy Gamer
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PSN  IDrexenos
XBox Live Gamertagrexenos
Star Wars Next Gen
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舊 07-23-06, 06:50 PM   #8
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舊 07-23-06, 07:18 PM   #9
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個玩者都好屈機 wo.........

New World~
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舊 07-24-06, 07:45 PM   #10
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舊 07-24-06, 10:13 PM   #11
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舊 07-24-06, 10:23 PM   #12
The One
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仲勁過d乜乜The choose one|||

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舊 07-24-06, 10:40 PM   #13
God of Gamer
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舊 07-24-06, 10:42 PM   #14
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舊 07-27-06, 09:24 AM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Inside the Star Wars Pre-Vis
Project Lead Haden Blackman tells IGN how one simple video changed the way that LucasArts makes its games.

by Jeremy Dunham

Pre-Vis Teaser (480p) (07/26/2006)

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舊 07-27-06, 07:13 PM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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LucasArts公司的《星球大戰Pre-Vis(Star Wars pre-vis)暫名》自從公開以後就受到了廣泛的關注,近日,LucasArts公司的遊戲開發主管Haden Blackman就有關這款遊戲的相關問題接受了國外媒體記者的採訪。以下是訪談摘要:

Blackman:毫無疑問的,我們意圖在技術上有所創新。事實上這段影像是在前一段時間製作出來的,它的主要目的有兩個,一方面是為了激勵我們的開發小組,更重要的是我們想讓外界看到我們對《星戰》系列核心遊戲理念的探索。這個影像最開始是內部公開的,不止是開發成員,包括總裁Jim Ward、開發副總裁Peter Hirschman、甚至包括喬治·盧卡斯本人也觀看了影像。

Blackman:這主要是由我們與其他一些如NaturalMotion和Pixelux公司的合作關係所決定的,特別是與工業光魔公司(Industrial Light and Magic)的合作關係。另外,我們也認為非常有必要開發一套自己的引擎和開發工具,我們也打算通過次世代遊戲的開發積累更多的經驗並促進電影拍攝和技術應用方面的進步。




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舊 02-13-07, 11:39 PM   #17
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
星球大戰 原力解放
原名 Star Wars: Force Unleashed
機種 PS3/X360/PS2/PSP/NDS
廠商 LucasArts
類型 ACT
價格 未定
發售日 2007年發售預定

《星球大戰 原力解放》全面登陸次世代主機

LucasArts公司的次世代版「《星球大戰》系列」最新作《星球大戰 原力解放(Star Wars: Force Unleashed)》在沉寂了數月之久後,近日終於又有新消息公佈。本作目前預定登陸PS3和X360兩大次世代主機,而現有主機平台PS2和掌機PSP、NDS也在本作的發售計劃之內。




《星球大戰 原力解放》目前預定在2007年年內推出,目前還沒有本作登陸任天堂Wii平台的消息,更多詳細情報請留意本站日後的報道。
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舊 02-14-07, 09:18 PM   #18
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Star Wars Unleashed on PS3, 360
Latest Game Informer reveals title, plot details of forthcoming LucasArts project, which has players serving the Dark Side of the Force.

By Tor Thorsen, GameSpot
Posted Feb 13, 2007 3:35 pm PT;title;5

In the build up to the 2006 Electronic Entertainment Expo, the New York Times ran an article on LucasArts, the game arm of George Lucas' multimedia empire. Specifically, the piece followed Jim Ward, the president of LucasArts as he met with the designers of a new, unnamed Star Wars game.

"Mr. Ward...and Haden Blackman, the project leader of a forthcoming Star Wars game, reviewed all of the company's recent projects," read the piece. "Mr. Blackman outlined a new storyline that delved deeper into Darth Vader's history." Many presumed this was the same game for which LucasArts gave a tech demo behind closed doors at E3 06. Part of the demo was later leaked on YouTube.

Now, the Darth Vader game has been unmasked, so to speak. The February issue of Game Informer displays the forthcoming PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. According to the Minnesota-based mag, "players will get a chance to work for Darth Vader himself, as the man in black's new apprentice...[and] hunt down the last of the Jedi. The Force Unleashed is set between the 2005 prequel, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, and the 1977 film that started it all, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
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舊 02-14-07, 10:30 PM   #19
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 02-15-07, 11:26 PM   #20
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Star Wars: Force Unleashed - Digital Molecular Matter Tech Demo

Star Wars: Force Unleashed - Euphoria Engine Tech Demo

此篇文章於 03-08-07 08:26 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 02-16-07, 12:09 AM   #21
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
SW: The Force Unleashed
Publisher: LucasArts
Developer: LucasArts
Release Date: November 2007
On: PS3 |PS2 | PSP | X360 | DS

The Force (will be) Unleashed in November
[UPDATE] LucasArts makes it official with Web destination dating, detailing new Star Wars game, which casts players as Darth Vader's apprentice; DS, PS2, and PSP versions also planned.

By Tor Thorsen, GameSpot
Posted Feb 14, 2007 10:06 am PT;title;6

Hot on the heels of yesterday's revelation about the new title, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, comes official confirmation of its existence. This morning, LucasArts launched the official Web site for the game and also announced its ship window--November 2007.

Concept art (pictured) on the site also confirmed that the leaked tech-demo footage is indeed for the new Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 title. It also described the technology behind its eye-catching physics. "The Force Unleashed...[takes] full advantage of newly developed technologies that will be seen and experienced for the first time: Digital Molecular Matter (DMM), by Pixelux Entertainment, and Euphoria by NaturalMotion...paired with the powerful Havok Physics system."

Apparently DMM is the middleware responsible for the particle effects in the tech demo, Euphoria enabled the Stormtroopers' natural-seeming AI, and the widely used Havok system allowed the Force-flung Stormtroopers to bounce realistically. The game's tech will also be used to render players' four core Force powers: Force push, repulse, grip, and lightning. These will, as evidenced in LucasArts' tech demo, allow players to fling enemies through the air--and walls. Force powers will also make opponents literally explode with combo moves.

LucasArts' Web site also further details the storyline of the game, which was developed and supervised by George Lucas himself. As previously mentioned, the game will be set between Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. Players will assume the role of Darth Vader's apprentice, who is tasked with hunting down the remaining Jedi Knights. Part of it will be set on a planet called Felucia, which is inhabited by a "force sensitive" race, which players will square off against.

The Force Unleashed site also hinted that the game's story may contain the sort of branching storyline featured in the two Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic games. Throughout the game, players will "face decisions that could change the course of their destiny."

[UPDATE] Later in the day, LucasArts updated The Force Unleashed site with platform information--revealed the game is also headed to the DS, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable.


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舊 02-16-07, 12:18 AM   #22
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
LucasArts Unleashes The Force
Side with Vader and rid the galaxy of Jedi.

by Hilary Goldstein

February 14, 2007 - LucasArts officially announced its latest game in the Star Wars saga. Coming November for PS3, Xbox 360, PS2, PSP and Nintendo DS, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed explores one of the more interesting time periods in Star Wars lore. Set between the events of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, Force Unleashed puts gamers in the role of Darth Vader's secret apprentice.

As Palpatine rises to power and the Empire begins its conquest of the galaxy, Vader sends his apprentice to help exterminate the remaining Jedi. Your character has four primary Force powers to develop during missions to eradicate the Jedi: Force push, grip, repulse and lightning. Powers can be used together to create unique combos and cause massive destruction to enemies and the environment.

The next-gen versions of Force Unleashed utilize some new technologies that promise realistic environmental reactions. Beyond having wood splinter and plants bend in the wind, non-player characters also act and react more realistically. Characters are said to adjust their behavior on the fly, based on the player's actions. It's unknown how the PS2, PSP and DS versions will differ.

Created under the direction of George Lucas, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed offers new insights into the Star Wars universe. And it lets you kick some Jedi ass. Look for eyes-on impressions of The Force Unleashed in a few weeks.
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舊 02-16-07, 06:01 PM   #23
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
星球大戰 原力解放
原名 Star Wars: Force Unleashed
機種 PS3/X360/PS2/PSP/NDS

廠商 LucasArts
類型 ACT
價格 未定
發售日 2007年發售預定

《星球大戰 原力解放》大量遊戲設定原畫公開

LucasArts公司公開了次世代版「《星球大戰》系列」最新作《星球大戰 原力解放(Star Wars: Force Unleashed)》的多幅遊戲設定原畫。本作目前預定登陸PS3和X360兩大次世代主機,而現有主機平台PS2和掌機PSP、NDS也在本作的發售計劃之內。




《星球大戰 原力解放》目前預定在2007年年內推出,目前還沒有本作登陸任天堂Wii平台的消息,更多詳細情報請留意本站日後的報道。
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舊 03-08-07, 08:33 PM   #24
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Star Wars: Impressions Unleashed
Game realism takes another leap forward. Our eyes-on account.

by Patrick Kolan, IGN AU

Darth Vader himself, knighting his secret apprentice.

A frame from the video shown to George Lucas, demonstrating Force Lightning effects.

This in-game screen demonstrates how The Force Unleashed handles Force Lightning. It's pretty close to the original vision.

The Apprentice fights a Rancor on Felucia.

Another screen; this time, Force Push is being used to introduce this unlucky Stormtrooper to the wall.
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舊 03-08-07, 09:57 PM   #25
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Forced Unleashed: LucasArts Q&A
Hayden Blackman teaches us the ways of The Force.

Australia, March 7, 2007 - During our time at LucasArts last month, we had the distinct pleasure of chatting with Hayden Blackman, Project Lead on Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Not only did he lead us (verbally) through some of the work-in-progress levels, he also showed us the amazing tech behind the game - Digital Molecular Matter and euphoria. You can read all about our impressions here. We took the opportunity to ask him about some of the creative decisions behind the game, such as having a Sith character as lead, and some further detail on their approach to using DMM in-game, cutscenes, and casting.


IGN: Was writing a likeable 'dark' character as the lead more of a challenge than creating a standard heroic lead? And why did you go with an evil lead?
Hayden Blackman: We wanted to create a new take on it, a new approach. At LucasArts, we're big believers in concept testing, going out and getting feedback from players and Star Wars fans. The idea of playing as Darth Vader's secret apprentice - just those four words - really, really resonated with people, so we wanted to focus on that. We've created a character that is very humanised, though; I mean, he's got a past and you'll learn all about that. I think that gives empathy.

I think that, more challenging that writing just a dark character, is writing a character that players can inhabit, who doesn't have too much personality that it overshadows the players' motives. That's a balance that's maybe a little more difficult to strike. We just had a read-though with the actor who's playing him, and some of the other characters, and I think we've captured a character who is pretty diverse and complex, but is also likeable and fun to play and goes on a pretty exciting journey.

The Apprentice - anti-hero of The Force Unleashed.

IGN: While DMM provides new, literally-groundbreaking physics for gamers to exploit, how will DMM help tell a better story?
Hayden Blackman: We're focussed on giving the player a different experience every time. While the central storyline is hugely important - and I don't want to downplay that in any way - one of the other things we're focussed on is the stories other players tell each other. How you experienced a certain encounter or how you defeated a certain boss, how you traversed a certain part of the environment. Any simulation-based technologies really feed into that.

There's certain things animation is always going to do, that hand-crafted animation will always do better than any kind of simulation. We always want to pick and choose; but there are some areas, like explosions and whatnot where DMM can really help provide more pay off.

IGN: Will cutscenes be rendered with in-game graphics or pre-rendered - in the tradition of the films?
Hayden Blackman: We do have a pipeline that we are building, as part of our toolset, working with ILM. We will be able to bring over some of those tools and techniques from ILM, so we will have facial mo-cap, facial likeness capture for all of our cinematics. They will be using in-game assets but some will be specifically created for the cinematics portion of the game.

The Apprentice's sweet ride - the Rogue Shadow, which is a cross between a TIE-Fighter and an X-Wing.

IGN: Are there any well-known actors on the cards to voice the characters? Will there be crossover with any from the films?
Hayden Blackman: We can't really discuss any of those details yet, unfortunately. It's funny - I've worked on a lot of games and done a lot of voice direction, and when you're casting a voice it's a whole different process than casting the character itself.

We've got some really talented actors who definitely have some impressive credentials, but the most important part of casting these characters is making sure that they not only sounded the part, but they looked the part and they can act with facial expression. Just from looking at the cinematic script, which again we looked at earlier today, it's a far less wordy game than any that I've worked on. Because of these technologies and the quality of the actors, we're able to convey so much through facial expressions and things like that. I think the actors we've cast add a whole new dynamic to the characters, because they're able to be on-screen and actually able to act with their faces and not just their voices.

IGN: Would you say that this is the most 'cinematic' game you've worked on so far, in terms of mirroring film production?
Hayden Blackman: I think, for us, it's certainly an entertainment event in and of itself. It's a game on the one hand, because you're going to be playing the character, but you're embroiled in this epic storyline - which, again I think is very cinematic and very true to the movies. The cinematic moments in the game are part of telling the story - that's one component of it - it feels very cinematic because of the quality of the technology we have going into it and the quality of the actors we've been able to leverage.

IGN: Do you see The Force Unleashed as a good example of the games industry converging with the film industry? Or is the games industry expanding at the expense of films?
Hayden Blackman: Well, games are always going to be fundamentally different from films because you're not passive - you're interacting. You're there and you're engaged with the controller in your hand. But I truly believe that games are the next big form of entertainment, that every big game should be an entertainment event that everybody should know about - like everybody would know about a major blockbuster. We want the game to be immediately accessible, with broad appeal - obviously with advanced skills and techniques for hardcore players - but being able to play through the central storyline, have a really good time use your core Force powers, feel like you're using your force points for progress - that should be easy. My dad should be able to do that. And that's saying something.

The planet Felusia should make for some interesting encounters with euphoria-fuelled alien life.

IGN: Can you discuss how you approached creating the spin-off products? The toys, the comics and other merchandise?
Hayden Blackman: It was really exciting. It's been great. I mean, LucasFilm Licensing has gotten way behind this project, and part of my job has been working with LucasFilm Licensing. They've always been great with everything we've worked on, but again, because this is the next chapter in the Star Wars saga, they're behind this in a huge way. So we sat down with Hasbro and we helped which characters were going to be turned into action figures, and they've constantly been coming back to us for more - more types of characters, more feedback and keeping us in the loop on how characters have been developed.

I'm actually writing the Dark Horse comic, so the storyline will be very close to the game. But there's always been some stuff that I've wanted to explore with secondary characters that we'll be able to do, so that'll be awesome. There's also a novelisation and I've been working very closely with the author, Sean Williams. Del Ray is publishing it. So, we've been very involved - and I go back and forth with the author all the time and we've been able to do different things in the novel than we've been able to do with the games. If you read the novel, it adds to your knowledge; if you read the comic, it adds a little more and you make up your own stories with the action figure, so for me, it's really exciting that all those things are coming together.

A slightly more detailed view of the improved AT-ST. Looks agressive.

IGN: Is this something that George Lucas really pushed for - making The Force Unleashed a 'complete experience'? Or was this internally pushed?
Hayden Blackman: This is an initiative of LucasFilms' - certainly, [George Lucas] has been involved in those discussions, but we're all part of LucasFilm and we wanted to make sure that this is a Star Wars event, just like any other one. I think we've achieved that with all the stuff that's going on and that's associated with it. There are going to be some additional things too, that we can't talk about yet; additional tie-ins and products.

IGN: Thank you for your time!
Hayden Blackman: No problem.
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[多機種] [XB360,PS3]WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2007 神祕人1號 電視遊戲討論版 35 11-11-06 09:49 PM
[PS2]World Pool Championship 2007 GimGim 電視遊戲討論版 3 04-28-06 10:51 PM
[PS2,XB]Star Wars: Episode III確定開發 神祕人1號 電視遊戲討論版 6 04-21-04 06:55 PM
[PS2,XB]Star Wars: Battlefront 神祕人1號 電視遊戲討論版 3 12-25-03 12:02 AM

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