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舊 05-11-06, 06:44 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Disney's Meet the Robinsons圖片及影片,美版3月27日發售

Disney's Meet the Robinsons
Based on the Walt Disney Pictures animated film of the same name, Disney's Meet the Robinsons is an action adventure game that lets you go back in time.
By: Buena Vista Games,
Genre: Sci-Fi Action Adventure
Release Date: 2007
Also On: PS2 | DS | GBA

Disney's Meet the Robinsons Official Movie 1

此篇文章於 03-27-07 09:37 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 03-27-07, 09:33 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Meet the Robinsons - Wii Trailer

Meet the Robinsons - Trailer 2
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舊 03-27-07, 09:35 PM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Disney's Meet the Robinsons
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
Developer: Buena Vista Games
Release Date: Mar 27, 2007 (more)
Also On: PC | PS2 | PSP | X360 |Wii| GC | DS | GBA
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舊 03-27-07, 09:39 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

此篇文章於 03-27-07 09:42 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 03-28-07, 10:42 PM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Meet the Robinsons Review
A worthy follow-up to Disney's latest film?

Closing Comments
Meet the Robinsons is – at its heart – a movie/game. The gameplay is basic, but it takes inspiration from more fleshed out titles, and it all works well. The license is the primary focus of the title (obviously), so you’ll spend just as much time living in the world, interacting with the characters, and watching movie-inspired cuts-scenes as you will engaging, nail-biting gameplay, but that’s part of what makes the sub-genre work. Meet the Robinsons has the overall look of the film, the original voice actors make an appearance, and as an extension to the movie it’s a fine choice for younger gamers or families. There’s no true Wii functionality added in, and the only difference between versions is the poly count and graphical detail. There’s very little true innovation in the design, but a mix of entertaining gadgets keeps the experience from becoming mundane. All in all Meet the Robinsons is a solid effort, lacks some of the overall polish of games with a higher budget and longer development time, but it fulfills its goal of tying the film world to an interactive medium; an exact definition to what we consider a “good” game.

IGN Ratings for Disney's Meet the Robinsons (X360)
8.0 Presentation
Meet the Robinsons does a great job of tying the world of the movie in with the world of the game. Some timing issues in dialogue throw the pace off a bit.
7.0 Graphics
Decent, but nothing overly-impressive. The cut-scenes have a great look, but the overall visuals are still pretty simple by today’s standards.
7.0 Sound
The film’s actors all make an appearance, but many sound effects for the game are a bit basic. Some timing issues in the dialogue exist as well, as there are no pauses between lines.
6.5 Gameplay
The inventions and extra content add some depth, but the overall design is very cookie-cutter from other games. It all works, but it’s all been seen before.
6.5 Lasting Appeal
The Chargeball mini-game and protectosphere are both nice additions, but lack any multiplayer. Still a fun single player product though.
7.0 Decent OVERALL (out of 10 / not an average)

IGN Ratings for Disney's Meet The Robinsons (Wii)

8.0 Presentation
Meet the Robinsons does a great job of tying the world of the movie in with the world of the game. Some timing issues in dialogue throw the pace off a bit.
7.0 Graphics
Decent, but nothing overly-impressive. The cut-scenes have a great look, but the overall visuals are still pretty simple by today’s standards.
7.0 Sound
The film’s actors all make an appearance, but many sound effects for the game are a bit basic. Some timing issues in the dialogue exist as well, as there are no pauses between lines.
6.0 Gameplay
The inventions and extra content add some depth, but the overall design is very cookie-cutter from other games. No Wii motion was added (tilt for protectosphere), and little IR is used.
6.5 Lasting Appeal
The Chargeball mini-game and protectosphere are both nice additions, but lack any multiplayer. Still a fun single player product though.
6.8 Passable OVERALL (out of 10 / not an average)

Closing Comments
Meet the Robinsons is – at its heart – a movie/game. The gameplay is basic, but it takes inspiration from more fleshed out titles, and it all works well. The license is the primary focus of the title (obviously), so you’ll spend just as much time living in the world, interacting with the characters, and watching movie-inspired cuts-scenes as you will engaging, nail-biting gameplay, but that’s part of what makes the sub-genre work. Meet the Robinsons has the overall look of the film, the original voice actors make an appearance, and as an extension to the movie it’s a fine choice for younger gamers or families. There’s no true Wii functionality added in, and the only difference between versions is the poly count and graphical detail. There’s very little true innovation in the design, but a mix of entertaining gadgets keeps the experience from becoming mundane. All in all Meet the Robinsons is a solid effort, lacks some of the overall polish of games with a higher budget and longer development time, but it fulfills its goal of tying the film world to an interactive medium; an exact definition to what we consider a “good” game.
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