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舊 12-18-06, 10:48 AM   #1
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 8,296
Reuters working with Adobe, Canon for image audit trail technology

From the speech transcript, "Trust in the Age of Citizen Journalism ", by Tome Glocer, CEO of Reuters ->

"I am pleased to announce today that we are working with Adobe and Canon to create a solution that enables photo editors to view an audit trail of changes to a digital image, which is permanently embedded in the photograph, ensuring the accuracy of the image."

"We are still working through the details and hope this will be a new standard for Reuters and I believe should be the new industry standard."

我的第一個想法... Canon 會上 DNG 賊船嗎? /\
KKH 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-11-07, 09:20 AM   #2
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 8,296
"Adobe Tackles Photo Forgeries"

From WIRED ->

Extract -

A suite of photo-authentication tools under development by Adobe Systems could make it possible to match a digital photo to the camera that shot it, and to detect some improper manipulation of images, Wired News has learned.

Adobe plans to start rolling out the technology in a number of photo-authentication plug-ins for its Photoshop product beginning as early as 2008. The company is working with a leading digital forgery specialist at Dartmouth College, who met with the Associated Press last month.

Click here for a gallery of famous fake photos.
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