Games Animation Forum

舊 06-03-09, 07:56 PM   #17
Registered User
註冊日期: Feb 2004
文章: 8,580
The Last Guardian Was The ‘BBC Game’

“Last Guardian. PS3. Finally,” said Darren Waters this morning. We’ve asked him whether that was the game he’d been hinting at for over a year and will confirm shortly, but we can assume quite safely that the implication is there, the name change is why he could avoid saying it was Project Trico.

We’ll try and get more on The Last Guardian today.

So what else was I shown? Well, I was shown a trailer for a game not due out till 2009 but was sworn to absolute secrecy. Apparently, Sony just wanted to give a glimpse of what the console will be capable of.

In fact, the game is such a secret that when I mentioned the game to Phil Harrison last week he was unsure at first whether even to admit the title existed. When I explained I had been shown it under strict Non Disclosure Agreement terms he looked relieved.

I don't mean to be a tease - all I can say is that I was left speechless. If the footage I was shown truly is "in game", as told to me by the Sony PR people, then we could be on the brink of a step change in what games consoles are capable of in terms of story-telling and immersion.

And there I'll leave it. Feel free to speculate on what I was shown. I cannot, of course, confirm or deny what it was....

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