Games Animation Forum

舊 12-08-17, 01:18 PM   #671
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2006
文章: 1,150
3DS Friend Code1246 8878 9215
PSN  IDKingRance
XBox Live GamertagKing Rance
6 things you need to know about Monster Hunter: World’s PS4 open beta, live this weekend
1. The backstory to your mission and quests
2. Your weapons: what they are, how they work, and our recommended loadout
3. Choose from a range of preset hunters
4. How to start a co-op party and how to communicate with other hunters
5. The two different maps you can explore
6. The bigger monsters for those wanting an extra challenge

第三次海市島紛争 海市島に住む我々が自由を要求して何度環太平洋機構に踏みにじられたか。
2006 NEROIMUS WARS 19th Rafzakael傭兵ACV Pilot, Republic of Morskoj所屬, Him Hime留駐部隊
ARMORED CORE V maneuver:"19012012-23012012" conflict:"26012012" field:"xpbso3x"
戦場の絆 ジオン公国軍戦術情報局に所属する特殊部隊。ガンダム強奪遂行の為なら金も惜しまない!
BorderBreak EUST 25nd Airborne Brigade Combat Defence Enforcer

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