Games Animation Forum

舊 10-02-11, 05:33 PM   #260
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 10,213
作者: Tadzio 查看文章

頭先睇咗個幾鐘music station都無X, 個d物野mr children, smap, a'z, checkers, chage and ..... even kung tan ching heung had appeared, but no X, why...., it says they were counting top 20 from 1988-90, 91-95...., don't know if i have made it wrong.
X應該下星期會有喇,因為下星期係下半,原本個節目係3小時sp,tvb cut開左一半黎播

作者: Tadzio 查看文章
i remember lam cheung kwan (the one who draws cartoon in Tung Touch and have a punk band) said in an interview that year that he would not go to x's concert because the most talented person in the band, hide, had been dead and it was not the real x anymore. I thought after I had gone to the two x's concerts and had read about x that lam was not a real x freak, he didn't even know x.

I think x has become a power metal band now. It was a heavy metal band with gothic scents in the past. Although hide added his lightest flavor into the band with punk as contrary to Yo's gothic and classical background, x remins a unique metal band with both wild and sentimental music, of which the main creator is yo. If you think the death of hide means the death of x that is not true. Hide will always be remembered just like Kurt Cobain to Nirvana, but the centre of attraction of x has always been yo who is the only heart and soul of x's music. And he is ALIVE.

And i think that's why i still eager to go to x's concert not only because of yo, it was because of talent of pata, heath , sugizo and most importantly because of their music. Didn't i say i love metal though i am still green in this music genre?

speaking of the ticket price, in recent years, the ticket price of the foriegn bands/artists are soaring higher and higher without standard or control. That for the Kpop one is even over $1,500. I think the concert organziers are "eating" too much of our audience's money. can we lodge complaint to the consumer council?

(if there is anything wrong about x's music, please correct me)
我記得當時好似有睇過呢條友個live report
果陣我心諗,你有睇td 3days就會發覺hk 2days真係一d都唔拖,不知幾緊湊...

x唔係而家係power metal,反而係佢地起indie~major早期先係...
自從佢地加左一大堆ballad song同埋快歌由dahlia後基本上都冇哂power metal元素

本身佢地果期既indie band都係好鍾意punk
你見無敵band成日玩sex pistols既歌就知啦...



作者: Tadzio 查看文章
what??? i have ordered the 再版 collection in Sino Centre last month but still haven't got it due to late shipment as what the shopkeeper said.
個new model其實都係9月30日先公布既,個老細d料未必咁update呱...

作者: Tadzio 查看文章
thanks for your enlightening.

agree with what you say about kpop/krock. a friend of mine love k band CNB. I think they are good but just too much into pop without depth. Anyway, i think most of the kpop vocals are very good becasue they can sing and dance at the same time.

there are so many varieties in R & R music that it is difficult to identify them. I remember there is a movie called School of Rock in which it mentions about the teaching of the history of rock & roll music. Maybe we have to go to have lessons there. I think nowadays young people may not have such knowledge or ideas about rock & roll music unless they have a lot of interest in it. You have to listen to this kind of music for some time and do some "homework" before you can recognize it.

If i remember it right, x or yo has introduced what they play are heavy metal, classical and gothic in their website or myspace etc. Though at present people seldom mentioned about "gothic" music, i find this music genre very interesting and attractive. It's such a mysterious word. I think until now x is still under its influence. And I would be happy to listen to you all senior fans to talk about it and its connection to X.

yes, i also think the term 'vk' is rather confusing and people easily got mixed it up with music genres. i have googled it for some time before i can understand what it is. i think japanese are amazing that they can invent some thing, even a music term (although you know, as a chinese, you will love/hate them at the same time).

ps: haha,oh yes, 打個時都覺得怪怪地, mexicans of course speak spanish.
x一直以黎都係話自己玩既係hard rock / heavy metal (其實答得好大路)
亦無承認過自己果種metal叫power metal...

不過近年進軍美國之後我記得佢有個interview都曾經認過做speed metal....
所以最大路咪答自己係hard rock / heavy metal,"有軟有硬"之類咁....近呢幾年就最興講架喇

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