Games Animation Forum

舊 03-20-17, 11:57 PM   #1205
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 10,213

Extasy Records - CDs and Vinyl at Discogs

Extasy Records (North) was previously known as One on One Recording until Yoshiki Hayashi bought the studios and renamed them Extasy Records as a branch off of his Japanese label. Extasy Records International (also known as the south location) was formerly known as Brooklyn Recording.

In February 2001, a court case with the United States Patent & Trademark Office forced Yoshiki to close down the Extasy Records International label. The court found that the name Extasy Records, looked and sounded to similar to a record store named Ear-Xtasy. In addition to shutting down the label in 2003, Yoshiki also quit producing American bands, shut down Extasy North to the public and let go of his south studio (formerly Brooklyn Recording).

EXTASY RECORDS INTERNATIONAL - Trademark & Brand Information of Hayashi, Yoshiki

On Friday, March 15, 2002, a U.S. federal trademark registration was filed for EXTASY RECORDS INTERNATIONAL by Hayashi, Yoshiki, Los Angeles 90067.

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