Games Animation Forum

舊 04-02-08, 09:35 AM   #3
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2003
文章: 3,733
作者: david 查看文章
Is that what you think? Because X81 never said that!

Also, you don't know either, I think it's very unlikely that the experiments down at CERN would somehow destroy the entire Universe, but I don't exclude the possibility that it might do us harm. When we are dealing with uncertainty, the only thing we can do is to be extremely cautious. Science is great and there is no doubt about it, but the scientific process is also no doubt very difficult, sometimes even dangerous. The scariest thing is when we don't conduct scientific experiments carefully enough and something horrible happens, that would truly make people think"世界最好就無晒科學家,阻住地「球」轉". It's not like the lawsuit would stop CERN from discovering super symmetry, gravitons and all those great stuff, it would only work as a warning that you guys are dealing with the biggest toy in the world and you better play with it carefully and safely. How many times have you heard people saying, "what good did science bring? A-bombs and industrializations?" Science is pure but we are vulnerable beings, sometime when we are striving for some kind of purity, the ends might not justify the means, especially when the means are very hard to objectify.

To quote our great philosopher Jurgen Habermas
"We ought to succeed in showing how, within a predicament that is leaving ever narrower room for action, we are yet assuming responsibility for actions whose consequences are growing even longer and less easily surveyable. Moreover, we ought to be capable of showing this while at the same time being hesitant in the awareness of the danger that, as Benjamin knew, threatens even from the successes enjoyed in working together with a shared purpose."
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