Games Animation Forum

舊 08-23-12, 02:27 PM   #4
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2006
文章: 11,600
Nintendo Switch ID8526-5981-1889
3DS Friend Code0860 3263 4537
Tottenham submit new bid for Internacional striker Leandro Damiao
Tottenham have submitted a new bid for Internacional striker Leandro Damiao, with Andre Villas-Boas’s summer overhaul of his squad continuing to gather pace on Wednesday.

With a £5 million deal for Emmanuel Adebayor concluded, Villas-Boas still wants one more striker and has been tracking Damiao all summer. At least one bid has already been rejected by Internacional, who value the Brazilian at £20million.

The arrival of Damiao, who represented Brazil at the Olympics, would place a fresh question mark over the future of Jermain Defoe who wants regular first-team football and does not appear to fit with the one-striker system that Tottenham are likely to play.

Villas-Boas has already talked about 19-year-old Harry Kane as a young forward who could also push for a place but the decision is likely to be left with Defoe.

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