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舊 04-02-11, 08:31 PM   #150
Game Master
註冊日期: Jul 2005
文章: 3,495

Dragon Quest X still for Wii, influenced by VIII, working on last parts of the game, announced by the year's end
March 31, 2011 by The News Team Filed Under: Wii

A portion of a Nintendo Power interview with Dragon Quest creator, Yuji Horii...
Nintendo Power 訪問了 Dragon Quest 製作人堀井雄二

Nintendo Power: Do you see any advantages to making Dragon Quest on a home console again?
在你再來, Dragon Quest 再次回歸家用主機有什麼好處呢 ?

堀井雄二 : 下一作的 DQ 作品, DQ10, 是真的在 Wii 上發售. 我感到有些玩家想在電視上玩到 DQ, 所以我們在 Wii 上發行了.
當然, 將來我們仍可能再次在掌機上發售, 這視乎個別情況. 這視乎當時的消費者需要什麼了.
一些消費者我聽到他們要求 DQ 承襲 DQ8 的系統,
在 Wii 上開發 DQ 時, 所以我正加入考慮一些其他的 (系統)

Yuji Horii: The next Dragon Quest game, Dragon Quest X, will actually be released on Wii. I feel that some users will want to play Dragon Quest on the big screen, which is why we are working toward releasing it on Wii. Of course, in the future we might develop on handhelds again, so it's really a case-by-case basis. It all depends on what the customer wants at that time. Something else we hear is that players want a new Dragon Quest that follows the same system of Dragon Quest VIII, so that's something else we're taking into consideration while in development for a Dragon Quest on Wii.

Nintendo Power: Is development on Dragon Quest X proceeding smoothly?
Nintendo Power : DQ10 的製作順利嗎 ?

堀井雄二 : 遊戲開發非常順利, 已進入最後階段, 我們現在不便說太多, 但年底應該能宣佈了

Yuji Horii: All we can say is that development is going well and we're on the last parts of the game. We can't really share much else at this point, but by the end of this year we should be able to announce something regarding it.

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