Games Animation Forum

舊 12-04-10, 08:05 PM   #274
The One
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 28,498
Kinect Joyride 坐低玩時雖然同自動玩差唔多. 但至少有一位坐輪椅既小朋友玩得開心.

Kinect makes one wheelchair-bound gamer happy

I'm not known for my positive Kinect articles, but a reader shared a little story he experienced firsthand and it was heartwarming enough to share. Payne works in an unnamed retail outlet and was demoing Microsoft's hype machine to customers when a mother approached him.
"A single mother of about eight kids came in, one of them was disabled in a wheelchair and couldn't move his hands," Payne explains. "The only part of his body he had control over was his head and arms to his elbows. His mother told me that Kinect was on his wishlist but she wasn't sure if he would be able to play.
"I told her that some games work sitting down. Trying to be delicate in telling her that I'm not sure how well it would work [and] she started to get mad. I calmed her down and asked the store to grab me a copy of joyride. Rubbish game I know, but I figured that it may work. And it did! This kid loves video games, he watches his brothers play all the time. It felt so good to see a kid who otherwise can't play games get to actually play a game for the first time and see how much he enjoyed it."
One of Kinect's biggest drawbacks was that the vast majority of the games would have trouble with disabled people, but it would seem Joyride at least helped one kid with a severe physical limitation get to enjoy the videogames that his brothers have been playing for years. That's actually a really nice story, I think.
Of course, I don't have the heart to explain the Joyride basically plays itself, so even a rock could enjoy it. That's not what's important.
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