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主題: [討論] 平面射擊遊戲討論區
舊 11-05-08, 02:39 PM   #115
The One
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 28,498
Thunder Force 6 製作人專訪 -- Saving Shooters

- There’s no such thing as a Thunder Force VI project. The real one is Project STG. It is our attempt to revive a genre with Thunder Force VI being the first step.
- But there would be very little meaning in making just one shooter. So my focus was to offer a new business model in which the first title would be a base on which others would come.
覺得3D化影響左STG遊戲既樂趣. 另外, 近年太多STG game只著眼於角色人設
I think that 3D altered, if not killed entirely, the fun of an arcade shooter by including these dynamic camera angles. And more and more shooters based themselves on character designs.
STG衰落既原因: 同格鬥game一樣, 太機迷向, 複雜化
- The reason is very simple, and similar to the situation with fighting games. They became too maniac. There is no way you can enjoy those games as they are done today. I see people ready to buy Rhythm Tengoku Gold on DS but very few that would go for Dodonpachi.
- most developers who used to make arcade shooters strangled themselves gradually by going too complicated, becoming too maniac oriented.
有興趣出TF6街機版, 但無適合既機板
That was something I wanted to do, but in our arcade board line-up you have the Lindbergh or the Naomi, nothing in between. The Lindbergh is too expensive, and the Naomi doesn’t have sufficient power
TF6可能會以download game形式嚮其他主機出海外版
- I would like to see how download distribution could work for us.
- Of course, should Thunder Force VI do well in Japan, I would be very happy to go with the Xbox 360 for the overseas market.
如果TF6只係第一步, 咁之後會係咩?
Well, there are 2 dormant Sega licenses which I would love to work on, Space Harrier 4D and Fantasy Zone 3.
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