Games Animation Forum

舊 07-26-08, 01:46 AM   #558
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
作者: AGK 查看文章
睇完真係好正, joker俾我既震撼真係我睇戲以來最大既, 唔怪得好多影評同清談節目都唔係用好黎形容joker, 而係用"爆"黎形容

劇情方面, 我冇估到英雄漫畫原來可以拍得咁有深度, 如果冇左two face個段我會覺得更完整, 不過整體黎講我都好滿意, 唔知oscar會唔會有獎攞?
actually Twoface was very important in this movie
Twoface reflex both Batman and Joker
because Bruce (Batman) wants him to take over and protect the city, and Joker wants to show the city the White Knight can be corrupted.
So Twoface is a tragic character but it shows the similarities btw Batman and Joker
they both want Harvey Dent to fit their own selfish purpose
and in the hospital, Batman gave him the coin that Harvey Dent always believed in, and Joker gave him the Gun

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