Games Animation Forum

舊 04-02-07, 12:12 AM   #9
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 4,458
作者: 基路亞 查看文章
要有埋HDMI 唔該~
據講還可以兼容 PS2 添~

但可借的是 Sony 為減成本, Wii 主機內將不設有 "EE+GS"晶片,

因此要利用 Wii 原有的晶片 CPU (Broadway) 和 GPU (Hollywood )
以軟件方式來模擬 PS2.

Sony 還保證能在 Wii 上正常運作的 PS2 軟件數量不會比 PS3 少.

"Sony's engineers suck at GPU design, as the GS proves. The Dreamcast with a older GPU design destroys the GS in the PS2 when it comes to features. The GS is a very simple rendering part. Sony bragged so much about how many pixels they can push, but never talked about the quality of the pixels being pushed." - Edge
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