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God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
Red Steel 《赤 鐵》 [已售]


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《赤色鋼鐵》日本地區也將隨 Wii 主機同步推出
2006-09-08 17:14:58

  由 Ubisoft 製作的 Wii 第一人稱動作射擊遊戲《赤色鋼鐵(Red Steel)》,繼日前宣布將於歐美地區隨 Wii 主機同步推出之後,現又再度宣布日本地區也將隨 Wii 主機同步於 10~12 月推出。《赤色鋼鐵》是 Ubisoft 特別針對任天堂 Wii 主機獨特控制器操控所設計的第一人稱動作射擊遊戲,以充滿東方風味的黑社會火拼為題材,提供融合槍戰射擊與刀劍格鬥等多樣化的戰鬥方式。

  遊戲故事敘述與未婚妻 美由(Miyu)居住在洛杉磯的主角,在與黑社會老大出身的準岳父 佐藤 會面時,突然遭到來路不明的黑社會份子襲擊,美由被綁架,佐藤也受到重傷而死。為了救出未婚妻,主角於是帶著岳父所託付的家傳名刀「刀霧」動身前往日本,對抗背叛佐藤綁架美由的黑社會份子。

  本遊戲的操作特別針對 Wii 獨特設計的動態感測遙控控制器來設計,以指標感測功能來進行槍戰射擊部分的轉向與瞄準,以動態感測功能來進行刀劍格鬥部分的揮砍與格擋,並可作出投擲手榴彈、舞動槍枝、開關門...等各種不同的動作,讓玩家以直覺體感的操作方式,來體驗逼真的槍戰與刀劍對決。 Wii《赤色鋼鐵》預定 10~12 月隨任天堂 Wii 主機同步於日本地區推出,售價未定。

Ubisoft first game on Revolution reveal in MAY!
In the April issue of Game Informer Magazine, Editor-In-Chief Andy McNamara said that there would be a surprise in the next issue of Game Informer, and today we have the pleasure of letting you in on the secret.

After months of waiting, Game Informer Magazine is proud to present the world exclusive first look at a game for the Nintendo Revolution.

But not just any game. Red Steel comes from the Ubisoft Paris team, which is comprised of industry veterans who worked on franchises like Prince of Persia, Far Cry Instincts, Ghost Recon, and Splinter Cell.

What kind of game is it? What is it about?

You’ll have to wait till the magazine hits the streets to find out. We answer these simple questions and many more in our eleven-page hands-on report. Look out for massive screenshots side by side with pictures of gamers actually demonstrating what you'll do with the Revolution remote.

In addition, we have an in-depth interview with Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Communications George Harrison, in which we poke and prod him about Nintendo’s upcoming console.

Plus, we have two other exclusive first looks from developers whose pedigree can’t be denied. One from Raven Software, and the other from Kaos Studios (a new studio whose core team is responsible for the award-winning Battlefield 1942 mod, Desert Combat)

Game Informer subscribers should start to receive their May issues any day now, so keep your eyes peeled.

Also, Game Informer Unlimited goes live on April 20th, where you’ll be able to get even more info about Red Steel, and the complete transcript of our interview with George Harrison! Stay tuned!

-GI Staff
can't wait!!

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