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舊 03-11-04, 05:48 AM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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NEW:Max Payne 3 Confirmed

Max Payne 3 Confirmed
Andrew 'Talon' Wilson :: 09:16 AM @ March 10th, 2004 :: General Gaming

We’ve been posting quite a few summary reports on the various financial conferences these past few days and this morning, with Jeffrey C. Lapin, Chief Executive Officer of Take-Two, finished his presentation at the Bear Stearns 17th Annual Media, Entertainment and Information Conference in Palm Beach, Florida, it seems we have another. While the presentation wasn’t exactly packed with information, it did at long last have the company confirming our earlier reports on a possible Max Payne 3. Our initial report, which cited the registration of the Max Payne 3 website, was confirmed by Jeffrey C. Lapin, as he talked about sales of Max Payne compared to the second title. With E3 just around the corner, information on the third title should hopefully be forthcoming.
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