Games Animation Forum

舊 11-04-19, 01:13 PM   #17
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 20,716
Blizzard Loses Sponsor Over Hong Kong Actions


When Blizzard decided to take action against a pro Hearthstone player for speaking out over the ongoing protests in Hong Kong, they ate a lot of shit from fans. They also, it turns out, lost a commercial sponsor in the form of Mitsubishi Motors.

The Taiwanese branch of the Japanese auto giant had been a sponsor of all of Blizzard’s esports events, but just two days after the decision to sanction Blitzchung for his actions, they withdrew their support.
A Mitsubishi Motors Taiwan spokesperson confirmed the move to The Daily Beast, which had first been noticed by Reddit users earlier in the month when the company’s logo and models of its vehicles stopped appearing alongside casters.

A reminder that BlizzCon, the company’s annual fan gathering, starts this Friday.
BLIZZARD O既道歉對象,從來都無變過。

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