Games Animation Forum

舊 08-31-18, 10:07 AM   #95
Eddie Lau
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2010
文章: 355

CAGE 籠是新一個以九龍寨城為場景的電子遊戲,現正製作中。玩家一如莎木及九龍風水傳一樣,在立體的寨城中遊走冒險。跟其他遊戲相比,其最大的賣點,大概是它是首個本地創作,期待他們可以創造出一個不一樣的寨城。

CAGE 籠 is a new video game based on Kowloon Walled City and is in development. Similar to Shenmue II and Kowloon's Gate, players could wander and explore around in the three-dimensional Walled City. The biggest selling point of this game, compared to other games, is probably that it is the first local production. Let's look forward to a virtual Walled City that is different from existing ones.

官方網站 Official website:
試玩下載 Demo download:
面書專頁 Facebook page:

媒體報道 Media coverage:

Thanks Hugh Davis for the information.

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