Games Animation Forum

舊 01-19-17, 01:10 PM   #952
God of Gamer
The Flash
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 14,779
Nintendo Switch ID6287 6181 7226
The smart phone app that we’re creating, that will be part of our online service, we believe is going to be a very compelling part of the overall proposition because that’s how you’ll voice chat, that’s how you’ll do your matchmaking, and create your lobby. We also think it’s a very elegant solution because if you’ve taken your switch on the go, you’ve put yourself in a hotspot, you’re looking at get a quick match of Mario Kart in, to whip out some sort of bulky, gamer headset is a bit of a challenge.

So we think we’ve got an elegant solution. That’s a very specific answer to your question.
衰D講, 唔想用電,效能做voice chat...
必要時直頭用你電話做hotspot 網戰..
如果老任要你用電話,無理由唔用盡電話功能,可能可以打字,POST 相,睇地圖

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