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舊 11-17-16, 01:21 AM   #116
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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Bugatti Vision GT Stars In Latest Direct Audio GT Sport Gameplay

November 15th, 2016 by Brendan Rorrison

With Gran Turismo Sport being shown off in gaming shows all around the world, off-screen gameplay videos are coming thick and fast. Last week we had a look at the SRT Hellcat on Brands Hatch in an off-screen direct audio capture, and MotoGamesTV have shared more sound-centric gameplay for us to get our teeth into. This time, it’s the Bugatti Vision GT on Northern Isle Raceway — Polyphony’s fantasy oval exclusive to GT Sport.
The race shows a mixed grid race that includes both Vision GT and LMP cars taking on the high-speed circuit. The driver cycles between different camera views in the race so we get to see some interiors shots of the Bugatti Vision GT. However, the true aspect of discussion from this video is the car sounds and engine noises captured directly from the game.
The notes from the engine seem very similar to the Bugatti Chiron as pointed out by GTPlanet user JTB10000. At 1:10 in the below video, you can hear the Chiron’s engine noise for comparison to the GT Sport gameplay. It seems like Polyphony have nailed what a direct rip of the fictional VGT would sound like (the Chiron is it’s closest real-life counterpart) when being raced.

Compared to the Hellcat audio capture, the Bugatti appears to suffer a bit in terms of replicating the gritty sound heard from engines in the real world. The audio is definitely an improvement on previous Gran Turismo installments, but perhaps it’s still coming through a bit too clean for what we’d expect to hear from the mechanical masterpiece.
With all aspects of the game still being a work-in-progress, perhaps the VGT’s sound capture is not yet completely transitioned to the new system and may get on the level of the Hellcat discussed earlier in due time.
Gameplay-wise, GT Sport looks as we’ve seen it in the other recent gameplay videos. There’s a distinct lack of damage and the race still takes place in the lightest of day, so it appears we’ll have to wait a bit longer to see the night racing Red Bull remarked upon earlier this month. Hopefully Polyphony are getting closer to showing us some race environments a bit less static than what we currently have.
Bugatti built a real-world replica of the VGT, and it was bought by a Saudi Prince alongside the Chiron.

GT Sport continues to be in development without a release date in 2017 being specified. The new audio design is bringing the series forward in an area that the fans have been wanting improvement in for a good while. Eurogamer were impressed in their preview, here’s hoping we get to hear more from Polyphony’s new audio design system soon.
Head to our GT Sport forum section for the latest discussions on the game.

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