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舊 06-11-14, 01:52 PM   #118
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God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Exclusive PlayStation Content Detailed

+ Posted by Lylirra on Jun 10, 2014 // Community Manager, Diablo III

Prepare your couch and gather your closest friends, because on August 19th, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls — Ultimate Evil Edition will unleash Death itself on PS4s around the world.
Today, we’re also excited to announce that players who take the fight for Sanctuary to their big screen TV on PS3 and PS4 will also enjoy exclusive content based on two popular PlayStation games.
The Last of Us Nephalem Rift

Get ready to endure and survive, nephalem. For the Ultimate Evil Edition, we’ve teamed up with Naughty Dog to create a unique Nephalem Rift inspired by their award-winning The Last of Us. Featuring hand-picked environments from the Diablo III universe and an ominous yellow spore effect, this randomized dungeon level is sure to awaken the survivor in us all.

Oh! And did we mention the monsters? The Last of Us Nephalem Rift is teeming with a series of ravenous creatures modeled after the infamous Stalker, Clicker, and Bloater infected.
Shadow of the Colossus Transmog Set

Raise thy sword by the Light! In addition to The Last of Us Nephalem Rift, the Ultimate Evil Edition will also include a PlayStation exclusive that pays homage to a gaming classic.
Players who purchase Ultimate Evil Edition for PS4 and PS3 will be rewarded with the “Guise of the Colossi,” a unique set of transmogrification plans that unlock six armor appearances inspired by the influential PS2 game, Shadow of the Colossus. These striking appearances will be available to all six larger-than-life classes.

Please note that this exclusive content cannot be transferred to other platforms and will require you to connect to the PlayStation Network to redeem.
The fate of Sanctuary rests in your hands, heroes. Diablo III: Reaper of Souls — Ultimate Evil Edition will be out before summer’s end. Steel yourself for the glorious demon onslaught ahead!

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