Games Animation Forum

舊 10-02-13, 01:08 AM   #166
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,244
( IGN asks )
Watch Dogs AMA: Next vs current gen, swimming, customization, DS4 touchpad, Wii U,etc

How big is the difference between next-gen and current-gen?
The PS4 is a powerful machine- expect better graphics, more sophisticated simulation. Wind simulation on every NPC’s clothing, water simulation is much better when you’re driving a boat, density of the world and behaviors of the NPCs will have a lot more variety.

Can you swim in Watch Dogs?

Do you have to purchase new hacks or do you unlock them over time?
You do purchase them with skill points, it’s an RPG-like structure. Obviously completing main missions and side content helps you unlock faster.

What is creatively different on the Wii U version?
Pretty much the same game, you can expect some different things on the controller, nice twists there with the map.

Can we customize Aiden’s outfit?
Yes you can change Aiden’s clothing. You can definitely walk into clothes stores and buy outfits.

How do you hope to balance the player’s reputation (if they want to be a good guy) with messing around, stealing cars and exploring the open world?
The game doesn’t really rate what you do, more based on real life. It’s more like the media, they report on what you do. It’s not because you steal a car it harms your reputation, you need to have witnesses for that to happen, so you can do bad things without anybody knowing. If you do that, you just…live with yourself. If you start wreaking havoc in a reckless way there’s definitely an impact. The balance is creating an environment where you care about it, make the world plausible.

When the cops hunt you, will they just try to kill you like in every open world gameplay , or will they try to arrest you?
It depends on how you play actually, if you don’t show any sign of leaving or become violent they’ll try to arrest you. If you start being violent, if they see you trying to flee they’ll switch to something more reckless.

Will there be weapon or vehicle customization in the game?
No customization, but there are a ton of different cars and weapons to use.

How will the PS4’s touchpad be used in the game? For the map like in AC4 or will it be integrated into the gameplay?
For map navigation at the moment.

Do I have to recharge my phone in the game?
(Laughing) No, the phone is magical. It recharges itself.

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