Games Animation Forum

主題: [多機種] DEADPOOL (死侍)
舊 04-03-13, 06:08 PM   #15
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2010
文章: 4,189
PSN  IDwhassupbun
XBox Live Gamertagwhassupbun
Activision Lays Off High Moon Studios' Deadpool Team
Most of the folks on the Deadpool team at Activision-owned High Moon Studios were let go today, having completed their developmental task. Activision tells Kotaku that around 40 employees have been impacted globally.

"Activision Publishing consistently works to align its costs with its revenues – this is an ongoing process. With the completion of development on Deadpool, we are taking a reduction in staff at High Moon Studios to better align our development talent against our slate. Approximately, 40 full-time employees will be impacted globally. We are offering those employees who are impacted outplacement counseling services."

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